Thursday, December 30, 2010


To the hacker riding my internet services....they are soooo onto you lol! It's a criminal offense and you have picked the wrong girl to play with. I have been a week with techs speed testing and all up in my stuff not to mention customizing another 4/6 core i7 hard drives with 4 year in home warranty with HP. I can't handle this normal hard drive stuff with one monitor and no graphics programs so thank you Sagar!!! You're the man ;)

To Michelle and gang....your present came here :( I still have just Jess's, the kids, neighbors, realtor, and vet's to give. Whew :} Till then....I am on XBox in next room or upstairs on PS3 online. I will be able to get the Cisco Umi service now once they finish tracking my lines. (and the weather is awesome here...btw...goofy!  Short sleeves...doors open ;)

Want to play a game?!?

Friday, December 10, 2010



KPT branches, glitter layer style on star brushes, simple bevel on honey script font skewed, lens flare with hue adjustment.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Just like country roads that have hidden entrances or drives because of all the has it's unforseen or incoming surprises that no matter how hard we try to anticipate or keep an eye out for...they can catch you off guard. I knew the holidays and preparing the house for winter would consume time but other incidents and directions merge into view. Some force yet others elicit your curiosity and entice you to take that hidden road in hopes for delightful short journey from your main path.

I found on my hiatus from FB games I miss the people more than the game itself. I did get to explore my new XBox and played the new Sims some but still wanting to remember to purchase a guide at game stop to accompany my Final Fantasy game. The Sims is a good game to just 'Wing It' during these busy times and now that Paros has his liver/phosphatase bloodwork ok...we still like the vampire vet lol ;) And as anal as I am about setting up to do things was interesting to see a country vet just roll up his sleeves and take a bucket of water across the road to drop a horse and take his nuts in the field :l  I still like it here although I realize what a city girl I am and will always miss New Orleans.

Well, so much for blowing leaves last week because most of the trees have become bare now except for 2 oaks and deer are hanging around to hide from hunters. They enjoyed their Thanksgiving dinner as seen here out the kitchen window as well. Most of the windows are done but Paros keeps his nose in them looking for his Golden Retriever friends from next door. He has been quiet when the deer are around so go figure :/ He is just looking for a pack to run with lol so hopefully we can work on that soon. This week I plan to vote our Afghan Hound Club of Memphis does not fold (lol...even though they don't own any...I always say in the same breath that we are lucky to have them and that they put on specialty shows for the region! :))) I did miss this years and posted about it already. DEPRESSED about it for a week so planned to get the house wired online with security for next time so I can view the dogs at home from the laptop :)

I hope this holiday others are on a good road and that any hidden entrances or paths they may come across...hold wonderous things that will spiritually enlighten them! I plan to do a couple more posts this month and btw....happy birthday, sis ;) Till then.....

Saturday, October 16, 2010


It was by accident I found Gamer, Paros father, in europe online about 8 or so years ago. I was playing Final Fantasy (the game depicted in the video here that came in a sequel) and before I purchased the walkthrough...I only used the computer to find the online guides since 2002. Of course 'gamer' was more than a game site and this gave me 2 reasons to surf online on rare ocassion all those years; european show circuit...and my game guides :} It has only been since this spring did I find the online games in FB and dyslexia can be a bit aggrevating :/

One time I was in a beauty contest and winning Miss Memphis Bicentenial first alternate...I was in disbelief. When told to pivot right...I was on the end and pivoted left :l  Not being able to see thatI had my back against everyone else...I definitely stood out :/  I am a clutz and this stuff is not me so I quit the make up, hate high heels, and love the outdoors. It is funny when seeing the photo but not as funny as the police grabbing my bike from coming down a hill in Jamaica when I went to shift gears with the wrong foot and when lagged...I had to jump off to keep it from rolling down that hill :l

It is also a big ordeal when I am driving with a direction giving passenger. I have to warn them in advance to say 'turn my way' or 'turn your way' 2 blocks in advance. Thanks to my father I am riight handed and it was always funny when he would ask my sister what I was cooking. I have those 'wing it' nights where everyone has to fend for themselves :}

I find mysef winging it through life as I do roads, information, and cooking too. Sometimes when stuck...ya just gotta 'wing it' and hope for the best. A direction may not seem clear at first but we generally know where we want to go and the way becomes clear when the clouds of confusion lift. Till then...there is gaming and the dogs :)

A special note...the little fragile female afghan, Breakfast at Tiffany's, may come to live, run, hop, catch, and dance with us!! She is such a sweetie and there is lots I have to read on introductions of dogs (Cesar Milan book I got) so her transition will be an awesome experience; whether this fall or spring :) She is a warrior princess *sigh*

(Graphics posted: Afghan Warrior (still in progress)...layers of Paros head and smoke brushes smudged and colorized. Eline's Bday greeting...layer styles on fairy fonts...she is my sweet online FF pal; also a daddy's girl ;) Photo by Evi Tragali

Wednesday, October 6, 2010



Monday, October 4, 2010


Same school, same friends, running grounds, ideas, music, etc. Always like my brother. you have witnessed many years of my life, traveled to see me, dated my sister, and remained my friend even through times of disagreement. I will miss sharing philosophies, gossip, football, Mardi Gras, dogs, and even your hard times when you were a pain. You were and will always be loved my rest in peace.

Friday, October 1, 2010



The twins wanted to kiss each cheek lol ;)  Have a bad ass weekend!! (would send you Steph but out of my control :l)

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Whenever I want something kept secret....I've always used the expression "Between you, me, and the fencepost". And with autumn arriving with it's vibrant hues, crunchy fallen leaves, wooded hiking trails, and outdoor excursions, how strange the many meanings of 'fenceposts' dance in my head. Not only do they keep things in or out, but how we gather at them with neighbors for chats or as a marker in the metaphor above.

I also see them as as a safe haven and felt like I've always sat on them through life as well. When my parents divorced and remarried in my young teens....I was relieved to have the opportunity to go to boarding school. They were like day and night. Looking at both families, the term "Osbourne's VS Osmond's" was used to describe them. My father's blunt and direct approach would be refreshing in comparison to my mother's head games yet her compassionate nature would always win me over when it came to his brash, callous ways. I learned that I am a hybrid but mostly a copy of my father. I think this is largely due to our birthdays being within 24 hours of each other rather than any genetic or environmental factors. In his end days...we frequently found ourselves on the fence together analyzing and dissecting each family member one by one.

Of course fence posts come into play for me during the fall more than any season. The weather keeps us outdoors a lot and walks in the woods are quite pleasant. I can hardly get Paros outdoors in the summer but come fall...he has moved outside. He has been unruly a bit with the cooler weather and talked a blue streak at the vets this week. Yelling and torn between the 6 small shaking dogs in their owners arms and the 3 horses outside the clinic, I walked him outside to relieve the nervous canines in the lobby. It was one of the only times he shut up. He just sat and stared at the horses hitched outside of their trailers. The other time he was quiet was in the examining room. He really likes Dr. Denham. He even behaved when blood was pulled for analysis (his phosphatase is a little low but this is being corrected and he goes back in a month).

Whether used in boundaries,  non commitments, markers, metaphors, or gatherings.....Paros doesnt't really care for fence posts. He hikes his leg to pee on them :l

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


My birthday brought a housefull along with a new tattoo and a missed friend. Tried to hire him to play here and give me a price quote on some other work but he opted for the free gig below and I was far too busy to break plans made in advance. This is also my last year to be in my 40's so it has me a bit miffed to the point of getting a tat. Of course it had to be an afghan hound head to represent what I cherish in life. Friends come and go but my hounds, they have always been loyal and by my side. I know this year will bring about a lot of changes...not only in friends, but points of view, interests, etc.

The weather has also cooled down and fall is in the air. The dogs are back to running and quite frisky again so my afternoons have been outside with them and some fall planting. Jim's new RC at work has his visits turning into not only moving back in....but hanging around everyday lol so not much gaming nor have I been inspired to play in my art programs. This is also the season to work out, prepare for winter, walk in the woods, and with it being my favorite season...I get inspired to read poetry.

All of the plans I made for August came to naught. I was unable to attend the dog show I planned for a year, didn't extend the fence on the property, vacation wants a year in advance if Paros travels, nor did I get a pup pal for Paros. I will leave the fence as it is for now in case I do get a pup and not a grown adult although I am hoping for an adult female I can spay. I am absolutely not a breeder nor want to be. I am also still looking for a groomer close by and this weekend when Paros tried a new one 30 minutes away....I was spying like a mother who has left her child off at daycare for the first time. I didn't feel comfortable so I just picked him up and gave her half of the fee anyway so we are still looking. As for vacation...I think I will take a short trip to Louisiana and take the dogs with me to meet Dr. Edwards at Ponchartrain and visit friends at least.

I thought about putting up Rearview Mirror by Pearl Jam for this post to represent the change of people in my life this year but then there's the song Cool Change that has always been a mile marker for this season I don't sail anymore nor do I have my beach house but the peace, beauty, and cool air of the woods works well with me. I will always think of my previous hounds chasing gulls on the beach and the alone times from when all the summer crowds have left. I just wish I took more photos back then and glad for the ease of digital cameras that make it possible these days (although this was hard taking it by myself :l).

I chose Immortality. It is time for a cool change and mile markers are always changing too.

Saturday, August 28, 2010



No telling what I will do Saturday nite but I have a feeling it will be a 'wing it' thing. Not sure how I will feel after the tatoo appointment in the afternoon but I may have lunch and socializing with 5 others down near Jackson, MS. so driving up into Memphis MAY not happen and well...I think I will want to spoil myself and not share my day with others (which would occur at the other tat shop above...graphic unknown).

But when I'm here in and out....I absolutely don't mind sharing it with others on FB so I made the graphic above for them :)  Happy birthday to us....Petra, Amy, Tanya, Rick, Lil, Dej, Sandy, whoooaaa......will do a formal list but we now who we are so till then...Happy Birthday! Later ;)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Nothing like finding an old 5th year college mate on FB and them asking if you remember going to school with Bret Farve at USM.  Uh...noooo...but remember him from his bar when I had mine down the road lol! Yep. You know you are getting old when you forget cool stuff like that. Hell. My brain is just too damn full lol...of all the stuff I was lucky to experience and people I've partied with. Of course my head was soooo into the books back then preparing to enter medical school. How the hell I end up running and owning biker bars beats me but what a ride and this weekend is my birthday so I'm sure I will come through it with blank moments too but my friend from New Orleans should be at my daughters house tomorrow (lol...bring friends home to the family and I seem to lose them :l) and I won't forget this! They will be singing to me at Sick Side Tatoos biker nite AFTER I get one that afternoon.

And it was good to see Bayou Tattoos online (thier 2cd store anyway). Since Ringo died (owner)...we mainly hung by Mel's shop...Lagniappe Custom Cycles and Tatoos. Of course I had one next door to the bar but that is another story....since FB was messed up today....I surfed online to see who was still .com*ing it. Suprised to see Stevie Haas from Brokespoke in Kiln on FB. Most of the brothers don't ride there...not the top dogs and well...Stevie gets 'person of a lifetime' award because he was the stable family man of the lot. Bret Sold out years ago and after him...Big Dave opened his own bar; Bruno's, around the corner. Hell...after polishing a case at my enterage would drive and follow me to the others. Drinking like that has since come to cease and I'd tell my father whose birthday is along with mine..."Nooo...I didn't fall off the wagon...I beat the driver up and ran to play!"  Lol...sometimes I'd just say I needed the firewood :l

For graphics...I meant to miss the FB logo. It' keeps me outta trouble :D Makes me think of the shoot out at Brokespoke when they first opened as a bar (was parent's store in 30's) and glad outcome and everything is cool :)  No cocktails will be delivered ;)

And although another birthday alone...and not ever seeing 40's again...I am amazing feeling good about my life and reflecting upon it. Most people are off 10 years to the good in guessing my age, I love my life and experienced more than most (minus gun shots at me :l), and I survived with humor intact. Ok...other than the 10 yrs younger than me boyfiend I brought home during my separation the family threatened me against but they still laugh and we still call him the 'Chia Pet' :D And my girls like me anyway though lol :)

And writing for, coordinating, hosting, biker events that made me get a zillion shots....well....that's another story. I'm on down time ;)

Monday, August 9, 2010


August is always party time since my birthday and labor day merge. This year a friend of the family is coming up to play at sick side tattoos along with my daughter and her band so I'm sure I'll be MIA on FB that weekend...nursing my battle wounds :l  It'll be bikers and rockers so hope to get some pics...if I can see straight. Last time he played for me ...I got his girlfriend drunk, took her dress off....throwing it behind the drummer in the bar...and well...poor Red. He runs from me when I get to drinking. He has been sober for 10 yrs. now but me...well...I don't drink everyday like I used to but socailly....yum so run or stay out of the way lol. ( old Pat Kennedy chopper and Sexy Silhouttes font).

And who would have thought you could socially party online? I had an Alejandro day that turned into a week...drinking, laughing, and posting semi nude males. Got to is my first pop song I will purchase and since the video is awesome (vampires, gothic, sexual content)...I will look for it in DVD form. The pic here was taken for Rick Dor, my online game pal, who I first thought was gay. Boy did I get slapped out of the water to learn otherwise! And fuuuuunnnnn. I say if we ever partied together...we would need to designate someone to stand by the phone for when we are jailed lol!!  And when we were doing the 'position of the day' apps....well...I just took this pic and sent her my own. It looks like I am taking notes which made it all the funnier. Needless to keyboard sticks now from laughing so hard and spewing alcoholic beverages everywhere and my FB profle page is officially rated R so I had to remove the teens from my family :/

Whatever he/she is....the video is quite entertaining and theatrical. Of course Rick calls them a bunch of Mo's from the 3 stooges...just when I thought I couldn't laugh any harder...and I have it to play automatically for when I come online. The rhythm is perfect for gaming and I hit hard firing up both monitors with a fast hard drive. Did I ever get the other hooked up? Noooo....and have to pay someone else to see if any damage was caused to the 52" TV. Since the pup I'm interested in won't be available to me (little breakfast cream here...she is cute...huh?!?), I am looking at another hard drive and flat screen...this way I will have 4 flats with 3 computers and several other gaming platforms. And I still haven't touched the new XBox or Final buying it to get off FB didn't work so well :}

Also extending fence line and allow Paros more running ground. The previous song "Die Born" has officially become his song now....King of the Jungle...running wild but when the deer come to the fence line...he's chicken! Runs right up under me lol. He's ready for more room though. Just hope I find that handler/trainer at the dog show this week. Won't hold my breath though...this place is soooo behind. I miss New Orleans.

Made a few graphics and learning horror stuff like blood, glowing eyes...etc. The ones here are for Vampire Wars game...not much to that game but a 10 minute thing twice a day. Something to do while waiting for turn over in other game. Think I have a good hang of the teeth but it was HARD...pixeling, distorting, chiseling, transforming....all that. The blood I need to work on but fond some decent fonts. I used the Cenobyte font 10 yrs ago when I had my biker site. That was my FB back then lol. Looked the dude up who created it and well...his site is offline too so wherever you are out there, Chad...Hey!!  We have 3 Chad's in our family (love that one syllable call name lol ;)

So to those I know in divorce through cheating, abuse, or whatever...when I find myself slapped in another direction....I learned the detour sometimes takes you left on Alejandro. I'm enjoying the ride and love the change of pace and view. I wish the same for you ;)

Thursday, July 29, 2010


5 boys and 3 girls were born to my breeders 3 Graces Afghans in Greece today. Under a leo sun with the vet in attendance for several hours so a cream girl is having difficulties. Evi is not the kind of breeder to cull her pups but will be up for days nursing her. This is the one I would love to have and spay but would have to wait a long time till she could fly out. It would be perfect for me although she has a home with the owner of a sister of Paros and will be close by to Evi. She is ALL heart!

For 2 days I've been 100% at this computer and none of it work. One was like an online Alejandro day with swapping photos of males, drinking, on the phone and trying to figure out what gender exactly is Lady Gaga lol. I will have to remember to thank Evalina, owner of another sister to Paros, for this day!! And to Rick Dor for confusing me of her gender due to the name!! But today was all about the puppies and with a 100% turn out...this is awesome :)  Tomorrow with be pup pics and blog titles 'Left at Alejandro'!

To the old friends that awaited the pups arrival....and to the new ones I made....belonging to a group of  Pet Pal lovers is the best clan of all :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Road Burn

I've been down for more than a week now. I've resigned to the fact that the computer guy has abandoned me and I am stuck with just one computer which I will have to take in and reformat. It has been others on FB and friends to tell me why some docs won't show, AKC from Carolinas rejected my scans because they weren't clear enough (software isn't on here but can use some round about way...obviously it isn't good enough), not to mention all the software I paid for and a virus scanner on a computer that isn't plugged up. Waste of money. I'm claiming a loss and between IRS, PS, Virus Scanner company, Microsoft....they will be well informed. Especially since I can't update until this is fixed.

I haven't been without moments of laughter that could be taken for bouts of delirium though. The joke/cartoon was edited and given to me by Jim and I call it 'Joyce and the Greeks'. At least some people have services :/  I know not all areas in the south are this incompetent. It just comes back to a rural choice. I was hoping to work with some of the younger people here but I am known as a finicky shopper and my expectations are too high to accept substandard services or products. In gathering links for a site I was working on...I noticed that 75% of the Afghan Hounds here in the states do not even possess a ring in their tails :l  Bad enough when they don't even have a web site....and chasing down a good breeder while on the road showing in the ring can be expensive since most won't have a litter on the ground.

I should be good in the hound dept...minus the handler and groomer. I did have a nightmare that all my breeders puppies were girls and woke up when my computer crashed clicking on her post to ask if this meant 'minus the male I am looking for'. I actually wouldn't mind a female...just NO PUPPIES. That would be about like hearing I am pregnant at 50 :/  Just one more time to train a dog not to hump the 3 year old kids in the family and save them from hysterically laughing while pinned against the wall! Omg....and since Paros ate a chair...maybe it would be a good idea not to have sleep overs in the den with the leather furniture :/


Well...I may not get my computer done by August but I will attend the Afghan Hound Specialty show in Southaven. I hope my first choice in pups works out ok and all goes well but things happen and plans get zapped. It will happen when it is suppose to happen but I intend to take care on any future burns down the road.

From Laura Mauldin's litter.

AHC of Memphis logo artist unknown.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Little Big Town


Red and Dancer...on fire :/

Monday, June 14, 2010

Rabbit Holes

Always going down some rabbit hole here but when we took Paros out Sat. for his birthday, Groomingdales was a small shop and no day care facility visible. It was ok though because he was due his weekly bath and I didn't have the heart to do it on his special weekend. I informed them of his protest against having his nails done and asked them to groom him on the floor and not walk him outside since they were located on a high traffic street. He would outsmart them :/ Fairly comfortable...we set out to shop for supplies.

While shopping, I decided to buy the Alice in Wonderland DVD. I had no idea Johnny Depp was in it or that is wasn't animated so I was really excited about my purchase!! Especially since my daughter and I adore Lewis Carroll's stuff. She was reciting Jabberwocky on her own as a child. I taught her guitar and loving 60's music...she was singing Grace Slick's song "White Rabbit" and sang it at her schools talent show before the age of 15. She did not need any rehearsal according to her chorus teacher but the principal had her change  the line "Feed your head" to "Heed your head". Awesome idea ;)

I also have been scrapbooking digitally and gathering charms and snapshots for a physical one too. Creative Memories will also publish a story book of your work so I have been working on "The Adventures of Paros" and taking screen shots of his jungle backyard with wonderland items bought from the game created by Zynga called "Petville". My intentions were to draw them with my wacom tablet and I have been downloading fonts, dingbats of mushrooms and flowers, and the Lewis Carroll illustrations for guides. My first attempt drawing with the mouse was horrid but the cat eyes came out ok. There are some killer tuts out there but too surreal.

The day on the whole was way too hot to be out living in the humid south. Even today's national weather said Memphis was expected to be the hottest in the nation today with a repeat heat index of 110. We called to see if he was ready and they asked for a little more time since it took 3 of them to do his nails and that he had won (omg...I liked to have died laughing and thought I'd fall out in that hot sun!). Of course they did get his nails done and said he talked away to them and they would just respond (which is a good thing or because he is sooo demanding at times). Ready for the 2 hour trip back home, we picked him up and he was dead silent during the journey until we hit the country roads. He perked up looking for the neighbors horses and retrievers. We fed him chicken, puffed pet pastries dipped in yogart with a dish of vanilla ice milk and he fell asleep in the den early.

I think he was happy to be home. We were just too tired to watch the movie until the next day and fell out in the den too. When I awoke around 4 on Sunday morning...he crawled right up into my lap which surprised me a bit. I thought maybe he had enough of city traffic, horns, heat, groomers, but on testing him by saying "let's ride"....he bolted for the door ready to go down that hole again!

The movie was enchanting, graphics killer, and Depp as cute and mad as ever! And now I am searching for Avril Lavigne's music DVD/video of the movie. I'm with Paros. I'm always up for rabbit holes too ;)