Ordered new mattresses for the house and saw Serta had ones for dogs...lol...so I Paros was too cute nosing in his box and jumped on it. Spoiled boy. He knows it was for him :} They deliver that tomorrow along with slinging Annabelle in for her shots and a bath. Picked Bayou up from his last week and his eye was injured in a fight. Second time he went at Paros since picking them up at Swann Kennels :( Dunno what stress they went through for all that but Jim and I have to keep our dogs segregated now :/
Got a visit from a sister and another family member last week too. I was un-excumincated for a few hours and hate I can't help her in her time of need but all I know to do is what our father taught us. Be honest, open, and do right. Tactfully. Being the oldest of 5 siblings I should protest this mutiny but ooops. I'm still on my ship :o Or maybe I'm just in tow like Carnival :l
I'll try and post pics of P, Bayou's injury, and everything else as soon as I sort out memory cards, laundry, mattresses, dogs, and yes....AT&T new Uverse service with DSL here in an un-fiber optic area :l
Till then....love to them and all anyways. Stay afloat ;)