One time I was in a beauty contest and winning Miss Memphis Bicentenial first alternate...I was in disbelief. When told to pivot right...I was on the end and pivoted left :l Not being able to see thatI had my back against everyone else...I definitely stood out :/ I am a clutz and this stuff is not me so I quit the make up, hate high heels, and love the outdoors. It is funny when seeing the photo but not as funny as the police grabbing my bike from coming down a hill in Jamaica when I went to shift gears with the wrong foot and when lagged...I had to jump off to keep it from rolling down that hill :l
I find mysef winging it through life as I do roads, information, and cooking too. Sometimes when stuck...ya just gotta 'wing it' and hope for the best. A direction may not seem clear at first but we generally know where we want to go and the way becomes clear when the clouds of confusion lift. Till then...there is gaming and the dogs :)
A special note...the little fragile female afghan, Breakfast at Tiffany's, may come to live, run, hop, catch, and dance with us!! She is such a sweetie and there is lots I have to read on introductions of dogs (Cesar Milan book I got) so her transition will be an awesome experience; whether this fall or spring :) She is a warrior princess *sigh*
(Graphics posted: Afghan Warrior (still in progress)...layers of Paros head and smoke brushes smudged and colorized. Eline's Bday greeting...layer styles on fairy fonts...she is my sweet online FF pal; also a daddy's girl ;) Photo by Evi Tragali