
To the hacker riding my internet services....they are soooo onto you lol! It's a criminal offense and you have picked the wrong girl to play with. I have been a week with techs speed testing and all up in my stuff not to mention customizing another 4/6 core i7 hard drives with 4 year in home warranty with HP. I can't handle this normal hard drive stuff with one monitor and no graphics programs so thank you Sagar!!! You're the man ;)
To Michelle and gang....your present came here :( I still have just Jess's, the kids, neighbors, realtor, and vet's to give. Whew :} Till then....I am on XBox in next room or upstairs on PS3 online. I will be able to get the Cisco Umi service now once they finish tracking my lines. (and the weather is awesome here...btw...goofy! Short sleeves...doors open ;)
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