Well...I commented on how pretty a dining room set was and I don't know what compelled Jim to buy it for me but maybe it was to avoid laying the wood and slate floors I wanted. Maybe he felt getting me a practical gift like floors wasn't the way to go. I am a virgo and virgo's are practical lol. Most I know. He is one too :} Thank you, honey. You are sooo sweet and I would have been just as happy with the floors but if this is what you wanted me to have...it just makes me a bit happier :)))
Old pics (97ish) and quickie Bday cards posted (wacom up but still drawing with the mouse :/). Suffered hurricanes for 25 years but it became really bad when I bought a small beach house after a divorce. My front yard eroded away every year so it was filled, seeded, and pool remained heavy with tree limbs. I can't even say how many times I fetched the mailbox from floating down the road so I am happy to be high and dry now. So thoughts to you on the east coast. Be glad it's not a yearly ordeal!

Old pics (97ish) and quickie Bday cards posted (wacom up but still drawing with the mouse :/). Suffered hurricanes for 25 years but it became really bad when I bought a small beach house after a divorce. My front yard eroded away every year so it was filled, seeded, and pool remained heavy with tree limbs. I can't even say how many times I fetched the mailbox from floating down the road so I am happy to be high and dry now. So thoughts to you on the east coast. Be glad it's not a yearly ordeal!
Happy Birthday Jerry, Jim, Memory, Danny, me, Dad (Dor, Tanya, Kevin...and the rest!)