Did get a lot done like the dry cleaning, some packing, rental car, house sitter, kennel reservations, and even hit my first Christmas party etc. but I feel like Stan in Southpark :l Eeeeeewwwwweeetttt :P Lol....I'm not sure how I feel about spending a warm Christmas in the Caribbean. It's been 15 yrs since we were alone on one without dogs, kids, grandkids, friends, working, or something :l Who am I going to sing silly songs to and skip with?!?
I don't even know what my reviews on it all will be yet but just hope all will be good on the home front. Hoping they don't raise our taxes in congress because it's been nice to have the extra money to update things and take the extra trips :} I do know I will miss the grandkids beaming with happiness, worry about the dogs, and I was impressed with how my son-in-law and daughter made them attend each dinner seating so we could all be together on our cruise with them this past April :) It was hard chasing them down on the ship though with the shattered arm on pain meds to watch them play and get photos of them :/
So we will dance, have our private flight with tropic air over the great blue hole, and heaven knows what else. I think we will just 'wing it' most days and really enjoy not having a list of things to do! :D For now, I already started my 'January's List' on things to resume or pick up :}