So today I decided to take a day of reflection before my birthday this weekend and I get back to planning our trips. It is the anniversary of my nephew's flight to God 14 years ago and his burial will always be linked on my birthday so I decided to put together the photos I took last December (12/12/12 at 12) when I chartered the flight over the Blue Hole and Belize Cayes from Tropic Air. I also gave my sister a little Harley Davidson peridot in silver ring I had bought myself for my bday because she liked it and well...I want to remind her constantly that she is loved by me :} We are all linked some way or another. It is the impression I got with my near death excursion where I felt 'plugged in' to the universe. It is...we are...all meant for a purpose. The good and the bad. We are all linked.
Still trying to get to the camera's and get some shots, save old ones to CD's on my only half working, about to go out computer :/ Wanted to jot down about my last graphic I am wanting to redo when I get back. I started to follow the tutorial at PSD Vault on Magical Fire Energy but somewhere along the way I messed up so bad, or deviated so far from what he had, I just started brushing, smudging, adding layers of grunge brushes and overlays or burning out the layers.
Prayers went out this past month to those in Europe, a lady friend, our friend in critical care in Louisiana, a sister, and the hopes my nephew's soul soars high and free like I felt above it all. We are linked and we all come back around to each other, eventually.