Heaven forbid if I should ever try to drive around in these backroads woods again alone trying to pick up Christmas Ornament critters from the tree here by
Raz Imports called 'Forest Friends' (First 2 photos posted here). After more than 6 hours lost with only 1 major named gas station, 5 counties, no signs, no map, dead cell phone battery, and closed questionable country stores like "Dee Dee's Last Stop" or "Jimbo's Jump In Quick"...I just blurted "Lord, there HAS to be SOMETHING of the world around here!" It doesn't even take me but 5 hours to get to New Orleans with several stops although it is from a major interstate so...I drove on through the woods what we now see was NOWHERE EVERYWHERE but SOMEWHERE :l

Jim was out of town worried when I called him at 7:30 pm after I had left at 1:00 in afternoon with only one stop for gas, a partial map of Okolona to Pontotoc (first time an unknown/unnamed gas went into my 12 yr. old Miata I babied and just has 72K miles on :/). He then laughed his butt off after I mentioned all the counties, little towns (no Walmarts or anything bigger than a Dollar Store or mom and pop gas station in an antiqued building for that matter). He wanted to see what I vehemently pursued in these quiet beautiful woods all lit up in the brilliant colors of fall so I sent him 2 pics in an email (doing a combination of the two but more earthy tones with slight pops of white, frost and ice that is relevant to our Southern winters that are only 'kissed' by snow like on the woodland mantle
video here from Raz imports and their Woodland Tree
video here but using the Foxes in place of the elves and more moss, vines, and bark).
Although I needed to 'Flee the Coop' after being stuck here for a month after we got back from Europe and I fell sick (minus the couple of hours I reported for Jury Duty), it was a bit much. I found myself crying 5 hours into the trip but laughing after talking with Jim later on last night. How can I get around easily in foreign countries but get lost in my neck of the woods? He says it wasn't 'Driving Miss Daisy' yesterday...it was "Miss Daisy Trying to Drive" :\

But he is excited about the tree and it saves us from unwrapping each breakable hand blown ornament and then packing each one up. I've always hated fake things like jewelry, plants, nails, etc. but found myself buying a fake tree this year to save us from getting a real one, watering it, fighting with lights, vacuuming needles, or taking vacation at Christmas to enjoy the ships décor instead of doing it ourselves :l I guess that's how it goes in your 50's and 60's but we really enjoy a quiet holiday here in our home with the dogs, a fire, a good meal and now...a tree that will reflect us and our fuzzy butted pet pals here in the woods :} I told him I would put what I call "My Life" tree composed of Harleys, hounds, and children's toys I've collected for over 33 years up only when we had the time and felt like it. Even though I've collected the pieces before I met him...it does feel like
our tree; a "Biker Toy Run Alongside the Hounds" lol. Now we'll just have a 'Snap and Go' Forest Friends Christmas (they also call it 'Woodland Tree') :)
So I am still busy renovating, combatting fleas (really got the infestation down), brushing out matts from last boarding, preparing for Thanksgiving, and Thanksgiving weekend will be packing and decorating for Christmas. It was nice to get out for a drive in those beautiful woods for the first 4 to 5 hours though. It was soooo beautiful until I just got severely lost.

And hate I haven't gotten time to go through all of my Europe photos or time to talk about it yet but posting a few of the feathered fiends I found in Croatia! Can't wait to tell about that beautiful clean town (and easily navigable. All of them. Especially with signs even though they were in a foreign languages and only spoke 2 :l). And although Jim loves the owl tree the most...I think he will like how I plan to combine the two and I do look forward to our trip out there tomorrow even though we are to take a bigger road up north a bit to get there (less trees :( ). I was blown away when he said it only take 1 hour and 15 minutes :l And WTH?!?? It looked so straight and simple on the online map. I didn't know the road would detour and take me south :l
Till then...a 'Shout Out' about Raz Imports and
Trendy Tree (
Awesome customer service who waited for me more than an hour after closing!!! I'm a lifer! :}). And a 'Shout At' to Sony. Yep. Sold me a receiver for the receiver-less TV that I went to buy. When I realized this and tried to cancel within 16 hours, I couldn't and now the TV is sold out :/ That's just DUMB so for once it great to know stupidity is
not exclusive to Ms.! :D
A Happy Birthday to my girls and warm Thanksgiving to all. Maybe we need to get lost sometimes in order to be found again enabling us to, once more, appreciate the beauty around us, grateful for the good things that come our way, and love we feel for one another when we do come together :}