Having to do this in a quick, fast hurry in case Home Depot needs to come in and look at how I want the cabinetry done here. From Elmwood fine cabinets but need a designer to help and all we have out here in the woods lol Home Depot an hour away :/ Don't know if they can order from them but instead of the mesh...I want the scrolled iron work like in my foyer tables and other accents in the house. This way...if we sell...the cabinets do not have to be a 'Shih Tzu' holding nest but a place for cookbooks, modems, wine, or whatever else the new owners would like.

As for the Afghans door...we will need that custom done too. The house is a wreck with all the furniture piled up into the den and pallets of flooring we can't lay until they get off their butts and just give me prices for and order the cabinets. And the hold up on that is resizing one kitchen window that requires a structural engineer (who is an hour away and just threw general contractor numbers at me...who must be farming because no call back there either :/). I know southerners are slow but really!

Well lots to blog about personally but will hold for later while not so busy. Having to run 2 hours up the road in hopes that designer at THAT home depot can get the lead out and get this underway! Have to hit up neurosurgeon again...get a second opinion...but I think I get it about the nerve damage now...calcium deposit or damaged disc is pinching nerve while the other is pinching spinal cord. I forget which is what because the side of my head, hearing, shoulder, neck, arm, and hand are sooo damaged...some days I just can't get out of bed :((( My doc says to jump on the one and only surgeon wanting to try this nerve block instead of surgery but I just keep having flashbacks of when they put that plate in my wrist to reattach my hand how he told the anesthesiologist to do a block. Same thing? Did Bonham from U2 who can't use his 2 fingers and play the guitar or Morgan Freeman whose hand injury leaving him to where he can't fly have nerve blocks too?!? Lol..omg. Just more issues and research but if that is the case...I don't want to 'try' another nerve block. I think the last one caused this damage and made everything 10 times worse :((( No wonder I can't open the door, drive, hold something!
Outta here to roll on with the day while I'm having an operable one! :D