August is always party time since my birthday and labor day merge. This year a friend of the family is coming up to play at sick side tattoos along with my daughter and her band so I'm sure I'll be MIA on FB that weekend...nursing my battle wounds :l It'll be bikers and rockers so hope to get some pics...if I can see straight. Last time he played for me ...I got his girlfriend drunk, took her dress off....throwing it behind the drummer in the bar...and well...poor Red. He runs from me when I get to drinking. He has been sober for 10 yrs. now but me...well...I don't drink everyday like I used to but socailly....yum so run or stay out of the way lol. (graphic..my old Pat Kennedy chopper and Sexy Silhouttes font).

And who would have thought you could socially party online? I had an Alejandro day that turned into a week...drinking, laughing, and posting semi nude males. Got to admit...it is my first pop song I will purchase and since the video is awesome (vampires, gothic, sexual content)...I will look for it in DVD form. The pic here was taken for Rick Dor, my online game pal, who I first thought was gay. Boy did I get slapped out of the water to learn otherwise! And fuuuuunnnnn. I say if we ever partied together...we would need to designate someone to stand by the phone for when we are jailed lol!! And when we were doing the 'position of the day' apps....well...I just took this pic and sent her my own. It looks like I am taking notes which made it all the funnier. Needless to say....my keyboard sticks now from laughing so hard and spewing alcoholic beverages everywhere and my FB profle page is officially rated R so I had to remove the teens from my family :/

Whatever he/she is....the video is quite entertaining and theatrical. Of course Rick calls them a bunch of Mo's from the 3 stooges...just when I thought I couldn't laugh any harder...and I have it to play automatically for when I come online. The rhythm is perfect for gaming and I hit hard firing up both monitors with a fast hard drive. Did I ever get the other hooked up? Noooo....and have to pay someone else to see if any damage was caused to the 52" TV. Since the pup I'm interested in won't be available to me (little breakfast cream here...she is cute...huh?!?), I am looking at another hard drive and flat screen...this way I will have 4 flats with 3 computers and several other gaming platforms. And I still haven't touched the new XBox or Final Fanstasy....so buying it to get off FB didn't work so well :}
Also extending fence line and allow Paros more running ground. The previous song "Die Born" has officially become his song now....King of the Jungle...running wild but when the deer come to the fence line...he's chicken! Runs right up under me lol. He's ready for more room though. Just hope I find that handler/trainer at the dog show this week. Won't hold my breath though...this place is soooo behind. I miss New Orleans.

Made a few graphics and learning horror stuff like blood, glowing eyes...etc. The ones here are for Vampire Wars game...not much to that game but a 10 minute thing twice a day. Something to do while waiting for turn over in other game. Think I have a good hang of the teeth but it was HARD...pixeling, distorting, chiseling, transforming....all that. The blood I need to work on but fond some decent fonts. I used the Cenobyte font 10 yrs ago when I had my biker site. That was my FB back then lol. Looked the dude up who created it and well...his site is offline too so wherever you are out there, Chad...Hey!! We have 3 Chad's in our family (love that one syllable call name lol ;)
So to those I know in divorce through cheating, abuse, or whatever...when I find myself slapped in another direction....I learned the detour sometimes takes you left on Alejandro. I'm enjoying the ride and love the change of pace and view. I wish the same for you ;)