And it was good to see Bayou Tattoos online (thier 2cd store anyway). Since Ringo died (owner)...we mainly hung by Mel's shop...Lagniappe Custom Cycles and Tatoos. Of course I had one next door to the bar but that is another story....since FB was messed up today....I surfed online to see who was still .com*ing it. Suprised to see Stevie Haas from Brokespoke in Kiln on FB. Most of the brothers don't ride there...not the top dogs and well...Stevie gets 'person of a lifetime' award because he was the stable family man of the lot. Bret Sold out years ago and after him...Big Dave opened his own bar; Bruno's, around the corner. Hell...after polishing a case at my bar...my enterage would drive and follow me to the others. Drinking like that has since come to cease and well...like I'd tell my father whose birthday is along with mine..."Nooo...I didn't fall off the wagon...I beat the driver up and ran to play!" Lol...sometimes I'd just say I needed the firewood :l
For graphics...I meant to miss the FB logo. It' keeps me outta trouble :D Makes me think of the shoot out at Brokespoke when they first opened as a bar (was parent's store in 30's) and glad outcome and everything is cool :) No cocktails will be delivered ;)
And although another birthday alone...and not ever seeing 40's again...I am amazing feeling good about my life and reflecting upon it. Most people are off 10 years to the good in guessing my age, I love my life and experienced more than most (minus gun shots at me :l), and I survived with humor intact. Ok...other than the 10 yrs younger than me boyfiend I brought home during my separation the family threatened me against but they still laugh and we still call him the 'Chia Pet' :D And my girls like me anyway though lol :)
And writing for, coordinating, hosting, biker events that made me get a zillion shots....well....that's another story. I'm on down time ;)