Wouldn't you know that not only ALL the dogs are scheduled to go under for spays, ears, and the dental already done, but that I am now scheduled for surgery this Friday :l I must have gasped when my peridontist said a lot of things come about from stress. OMG...I had to respond to a friend I download on 'Is that like when my Mother died Easter Sunday and we drove running from the 300 plus tornadoes during that 3 day period while flying in a daughter from Cali at 2 am....who picks up the flu with her child? And we hit the funeral the next morning on 3 hrs of sleep? Dropping off Paros to his specialist in Memphis?" I could go on with just a 1 week ordeal :/
But there were laughs amidst the madness. Like when she asked me why I was wearing a 'Black Power' T shirt :l I dunno. "Is that what the graffiti says?" I asked her. Yep. Oh well...I wonder if I should send her a pic of the black Jesus T I bought this week. Jim just laughed and said I wasn't able to dress myself. I just thought he was tan. I hope he doesn't mind hanging out across my breast :o
And she has been on my mind in Tai Chi when my instructor tries to remind me to pop my butt in. I have to admit...the story of the translator running across the floor with the master translating "He say...he say...why you butt out like that?" has me laughing amidst the current turbulences :D And in discussing this on the phone with my daughter, wouldn't you know her instructor is on her butt about it being in the air too?!? Better than our noses lol! :P
I did get last week off though because of an anniversary trip she was taking :) But I'm sure I will flunk class lol. If not for the butt or dyslexia...but for wishing her a safe journey then stammering while I tried to recall where it was she was going so blurted out "And hope it is a fruitful one" :l Geeez. She is my age or so. Let's hope it was more fun that fruitful :}
And God bless Annabelle's breeder for mentoring me through this 'under dog' thing. My panic attacks are literally making me sick and she has grounded me a lot through emails. I probably will call her during my nervous breakdown when Anna is scheduled for her spay. Then there is Jim's Bayou to have the hair plucked out of his ears. Vet already knows him by 'Hannibel' lol.
Not much in the graphics lately. Jim came back from NJ but headed back out to IN so I played a bit Rays Icing style in Adobe marketplace and found my old 'Southern Roads' site in the 'Way Back When' Archives :l. Also did the awesome futuristic text in the wallpaper from PSD TUTS. I just changed the contour in bevels and left out the scratches and screws. Fun and easy ;) The digital scrapbook page is from Computer Scrapbooking. I just layered P's pics, added the butterfly and font with my own layer styles. Good way to chill out with some free time :)

Well....regardless of all the stress that seems to hit at once, I do count my blessings. Things could be worse in life for sure and hope to make it through this wee spell too so Praise Jesus......in any color ;)