
Soooo busy it reminds me of when I was younger running from one job to another, while picking daughter, dogs, or something else along the way. And I know we've all been so busy at times while having a burnt out headlight or turn signal yet forget to or schedule time for replacing it. Heck...I know I've been sooo busy to where I wouldn't even realize one was out. I think I've had to use hand signals when turning at least twice in my lifetime so I know the jive lol ;)
I enjoyed my birthday alone except for a hand therapy class. They were sooo sweet and gave me some cupcakes which I brought home to enjoy while playing games and having my best buddy by my side (Paros). I was afraid to offer others some and they get chocolate on their hands while in class lol. I'm sure the girls would have given me mental signals at least on that one! They have really helped me through this and I have learned so much from classes there. I will be starting a personal training program on the physical therapy side next week prior to hand therapy so I am excited about that :}
So I've been discharged by my silent bone doctor who I like a lot and lucky to have. I had the office mail me xrays to show the kids (who think I have super powers because I have a titanium plate inserted in me lol). I finally get to see the thing dead on and it's not as big as it looked from across the room or over a techs shoulder without glasses! The children asked if I would be like wolverine but told them after classes I would be a hybrid of wolverine and spiderman....shooting blades from my wrist lol :D Ohhhhh the things we say to kids.

And even if this is as good as it gets....I'm happy to have a hand and we are all ok. We aren't at the lake house in slidell floating down our street in a boat nor are we evacuated from the beach house on the gulf coast. I did have to clip everyone down, including Jim, because I just can't keep up trimming his beard, grooming the dogs, and it takes me
forever to get anything done because I am that clumsy and slow because of the injury but I get by well enough and can drive :} Skiving, cutting, or tooling leather is still difficult but with all the sanding I've done on the bathroom cabinets, I used the dremel last night to smooth out the rough edges on my sea life mask. Still not up to par but better. The dremeling around the cabinet raised surfaces was a bit like sculpting and Jim asked why I just didn't get a cabinet from Lowe's or somewhere. I told him because they weren't solid wood and had veneer not to mention the new style with legs or floating ones would not only have me sweeping up under them....but leave me lacking storage space. We are dog lovers and well...dog proofing the house like one would child proof thier home for their children ;) Plus, I have enough to do getting down when my bebe's whine, wimper, growl and carry on trying to reach their bone or favorite toy they knock up under the bed or sofa :/

Speaking of the dogs, the little guy that wanted the job in helping me groom them didn't show up on Saturday. I went into the vets and we were talking about China and the contaminated pet treats they ship us when it dawned on me that they were the country that had to destroy all those chickens because they were diseased with the avian bird flu (
H5N1). I think they are freeze dried and turned into dog treats (
chicken jerky) so I looked it up online this week and hell if they still aren't having this problem! Another 150,000 chickens 2 months ago! So they have had this problem since 2009 at least and Mexico now has the bird flu outbreak ( but why they are calling it H7N3 I dunno yet). We just all need to boycot treats and feed them noodles and cheese, our own chicken (which is cheaper than dog food and more healthy). And btw....Canyon Creek Ranch is also a
Waggin Train product). Would you feed this to your pet even though they claim to be
safe? Be
Dog Aware. My pet was slowly being poisoned. (I am still having to
study this and any long term effects it may have and soooo behind on research since the shattered wrist/arm incident. It's even been on
NBC :( ).

Now that I started picking up where I left off since the shattering of my wrist/arm or whatever...I finally get the other computer tied in and online. Still have to boost signal to go online with games upstairs and smart TV. Not to mention 2 ATT phone cords I never disconnected after falling from the one in the craft room. And since I can't bridge a second router for signal strength to their new modem/router (you could on the older westell)...that means another $175 went pffft on an unused router. Just sick but what really makes me what to signal them with my hand is the fact all this mess put off my reading, news, research on the pet poisoning and correspondence with FDA. And they can just remain there to remind me of how big companies don't give a sh*t. :P I will try and at minimum obtain the extra grand or so I paid for fast internet (which I'm sure won't happen unless I get a tort attorney and then I may as well try and shoot for time, trouble, extra unneeded or wanted equipment, loss of money, updates to software that cost $1000's that I couldn't use and now need to upgrade....etc.).
Well...I'm no super hero. Just a PO'ed female wanting to rise up and flip the bird or a Chinese chicken at some idiot a**holes :P
Come on Blue Hole and vacation lol. Guess I need to hit the other computer now and use office to send in my payment info to Tropic Air in Belize to fly us around and rise above this mess! Some good take off signals or 'hand jive' ;) ~sigh~