Thursday, October 18, 2012


Phew. Jim's surgery on Monday went from a 2 hour quickie to a 10-12 hour ordeal with his whole leg wrapped up like a mummy :(  I can't even begin to count the prayers, tears, or even explain the fear of losing my best friend, companion, and love but both my navigators (Rushnell's term for God in his newest God Winks book "Devine Alignment" and road navigator here :}) came through for me and for once...I drove James home :} But lord, please knock some sense in me before I go out of town alone to fill his scripts at Walmart (7 hours and $400 later....alone the next day....ouch).

And I don't mind running up and down the stairs for him while he recuperates. I figure I'll be a size 2 and won't have to go to physical therapy lol. Of course I had to postpone finishing my hand therapy too but did drop in to see them yesterday. I also stopped at a bridal shop to look for gowns since the ones I found online wouldn't be made till mid January (and the first 2 I chose like the Jovani I thought could be done in 2 months advance notice). I just decided to find a custom seamstress/dressmaker and later order a Rina di Montella gown since we also had to postpone our vow renewal. I'll wear the necklace he bought me later too and since his favorite color is will give me plenty of time to find a gown in blue to wear.

As for the shop in the next town looked dirty, tape sealed the cracks in the glass, it was closed at 2 pm on a Wed., and the area made me nervous but it was the only bridal shop there. I tried a shop in the town south of here but their selection was like the national chain, David's Bridal; full of synthetic fabrics forming a generic brides maids gown. I think I will try and call at a later date to see if they can order one for me since the designers at Rose Taft haven't responded (and heaven knows they are too busy too deal with one individual order although I don't see any of these bridal shops within 200 miles putting in many orders either :/). Long way from New Orleans sitting in Fleur de Paris or Lillie Rubin to be fitted for a custom dress or gown and drinking champagne :(((((

Ahhhh but the jokes inspired living how aliens don't leave crop circles here....they leave crop "X's" lol. Jim's vascular surgeon even laughed at that one. We both do like Oxford which is an hour up and over. No real big stores like Best Buy, Sam's club, Outback, oh how we miss Texas de Brazil too! No dog shows, not much but quaint and intelligent with a university just the same.

Still...the bible belt here is strong with the power of prayer. Jim will be able to dance with me as planned and although my cousin's daughter who was involved in a serious accident will be in a wheel chair for her senior prom and won't dance....she is doing ok and her back isn't broken (praise God the navigator!!). I have been inspired by the Rose Taft gown that reminds me of Stevie Nicks garb to do a new mask for her so she will still be the 'Belle of the Ball' ;)

So despite all the adversities....I still like lemonade and have a grateful heart (and Jim's doc says it's ok for him to have his harley lol!). Nothing much matters to me but that he's home :}

I'm ready to dance regardless of what I'm wearing!