would be down there with him but have the dogs and PSN keeping me happy and busy. Besides...I think I am traveled out lol.
Well..I still haven't added a lot of my Europe photos or the Caribbean Christmas vacation ones either yet so I am way behind. I also have some from the 2 trips down the road to New Orleans but have to admit...glad to be up a bit. The water is really worse down there and I am just tired of evacuating every year. I think that's what made me marry Jim. He was always there to help me and my dogs leave the beach house every time mother nature sent a hurricane to the area. There was another guy I was dating but he seemed to always 'chicken' out lol. Jim is the gum on my boot :}
And my youngest daughter should be back in Japan from her Hawaii Christmas vacation. I still have more stuff to send them out. Don't think we can 'friend' each other in PSN though because she is in Japan. Other than that...everyone I know plays on Xbox :/ Just don't like going downstairs to fire all that up. Try to stick it to the computer room and upstairs during the winter.
And who knows what the other daughter is doing other than singing or playing Xbox. She was singing since she was a little girl, to the birds, trees, church...then I taught her guitar and she joined chorus in high school. Now she just sings in bars and festivals for now but I love her stuff! She writes her own music and her husband plays heavy metal guitar. Till then...her song "LINE" is playing to the right :)
Till then...hope the new year blasted off to a good start and has blown obstacles outta the way ;)