Sunday, January 26, 2014


Well...I'm parked. Doing another week of bed rest till my BP is under control. Doc has flu and dizzy spells have me afraid to drive out of town so hit the nurses in town for blood work and stuff. Liver count off like Paros's test last year and was soooo hoping this next one would be clear since no more Jerky Treats but I'm afraid not. It's back to crop dusters and contaminated water so I have to get test kits that read for other things in water than just bacteria (metals and fertilizers, poisons, etc.). Jim is now showing symptoms too since he hung around 2-3 weeks after trips and Cmas vacation so I think they won't blow me off this time around.

In the meantime I've been upstairs "hibernating"; won't call it bed rest, and playing PS 3 still (BP was 179/109...YIKES!!!). When I tried to call another doctor since mine was down and my BP meds ran out...I get 2 'retired', 1 dead, rest of the 4 or so don't take my insurance :/  This was an hour out from the house because you can't actually make an appointment with the doctor in town :(  I do like the nurses and EMT there though :D

Then Paros stole a macadamia nut cookie last night so I freaked out calling emergency # to his vet, no answer :l  Then I call next vet half an hour answer :l An hour away....3rd one finally answers but won't take him because we aren't clients! :O Call old vet an hour and a half out...they said it was ok. Not enough to even make him sick so we are going to change vets, unfortunately, to the one that was an hour out (which is still too far but at least they have emergency services). He is still getting his dental and blood work at his specialists 2 hours out so "Lord, hear my prayer" on the moving out of here, please.

Funny thing little virtual character in PS 3 home got hit by a car, washed up on a beach in tattered clothing, lost in a maze...all while I am on the phone with insurance, doctors, nurses, etc. so I just put her tattered butt in front of the hospital lol and laughed with dilerium! I guess she is parallelly going through the same thing!

Best I can do is keep my cool and continue to work towards a resolve. Can't really get anything done in frantic mode. God calls us in when he calls us in so I do what I can till then and today it was to fire up the computer and central heat downstairs to find a resolve for PS 3 error code 80010514 that may have destroyed my new $60 video game, grab a pic of Paros outside (posted here along with the pond pic I took today and HD's of Jamaica and Caymen islands taken at Christmas) and one of the water holding ponds in the middle of a cotton field and down the street from Sayle oil across the lane here. And here I go being redundant again, but the water is oily and the EMT yesterday (who isn't from here...just works) even agreed with me on the water being 'nasty'.

To reiterate...3 men died from this lane with brain cancers or tumors. There are only 2000 people in this town and I keep to myself so that's too many already.

However we go from whatever reason...I hope I am loved, happy, remembered, and have at least done my best at caring for others and looking for a resolution to dilema's. My boy Paros has. He has been my companion, keeps me calm, forwarns me of approaching critters or strangers, and brings me such pride, joy, and comfort. He makes this house a home :}
We are still blessed. Things can always be worse than they are.