I had an academic counselor once tell me that there were A doctors and then there were C doctors. I never thought about it much other than that it meant I should pull my GPA back up from the 3.4 it dropped down to from 2cd year organic chemistry and physics to the 3.8 and 4.0 I had maintained before these 2 subjects in my 4th year. It is all I can think of now lately with the HORRIBLE insurance I have with UHC which I am learning is nothing more than an HMO type policy using 'C doctors' (some probably in hiding from medical malpractice or working in this state where no good doctor would waste their time :/).

So the nurse that said I was having a heart attack was dead wrong (my chest didn't nor is hurting...probably disc riding on a nerve causing my arm to tingle) and the liver count is more than likely nothing more than from the contaminated water here (always failing from coliform bacteria and such). Then there is the free cruise I got from Carnival (I picked a 7 day one on the Legend!). Do they really just love us or did I contract some kind of food poisoning there and they feel guilty?!? More than likely...it is the coliform water here and those mild flu like symptoms I posted about in Oct/Nov when we returned from Europe where from here at home. I remember slamming many jugs of spring water at the vets when we boarded the dogs there at Christmas because there had been another water test that failed back then and they 'forgot' to send out a bulletin/notice. Jim said "What does it matter...it is 3 days later we get it anyway" :l
I took some photos of yet other surrounding towns that posted there notices on the local news an hour and a half away where it even says not to wash your dishes in the stuff but can't seem to find that particular camera right now so posting photos from one of the trips here instead for now. Just glad I didn't throw away the bulletins we did get and keeping samples/tests.

So I am still left untreated because my insurance doesn't have a doctor 'in their Network' within a 100 mile radius of me. I went to see a Gastroenterologist who says my test was inconclusive but running one that will home in one what type on infection I do have so we will have an idea of what kind of virus or bacteria is going on. Pffft. Like you can even kill a virus by treating water! Still you'd think they would give me at least some antibiotics until then and according to them...if left untreated for 6 months...it is no longer acute or treatable but chronic. Not that I saw a doctor either...just nurses but did get a lot of information. Who knew there was Hepatitis E? From contaminated food and water? Or there are 100 causes or forms of it? I go tomorrow to get my blood test results and supposedly a scan and test that requires anesthesia (which I called to cancel that test...not seeing a doctor who knows nothing about my health record).Then they made another appt. for next Tues. to do yet another test requiring anesthesia. They can just run both in one day or forget it :P I'm more concerned about getting treatment now for this and moving on to another insurance where I can pick my doctors that will speak with me, run tests geared to whatever ails me, and looks at my health record.

In the meantime...the neck issue from the fall or whatever will get cleared up by the chiropractor next week. Not to mention the trip over the wires troubleshooting AT&T's issue (who has been running great now except for upstairs on the games...bought 3 PS3's now...keeping 2, along with a PS4 because they keep crashing the system and games when I go to update software :((( Have to schedule a stupid appt. to have wires ran up there or something but think the tech knows what's up here :)).

As for UHC...I've spent enough time on the phone with them the past 3 weeks to get what my family says is the 'run around' and only today agree what they are saying is correct. They finally said there is no doctor to treat me in their network so if this goes into chronic stage...it's their ass :P I'm sooooo speaking with a family attorney to just let them handle it since UHC can't and all their doctors are inept, nonexistent, or unavailable. The one good doctor in the town north of me that I really liked was hard to keep working with his staff on putting the correct phone number down, clamped down on my insides twice saying "Sorry" during last years gynecological exam and I bleed for days afterward, now didn't call in my BP meds :/ It will be nice to have a REAL doctor for a change! :)
As for the clinic here in town, it's good they got rid of the mold under their sinks and I really like a couple of the nurses. I still think it's funny to see the duct tape on their plumbing but relieved no one comes thumping a needle in mid air where mold spores rocked and ruled the day!
Also...kudos to the water board for sending our notices at least. Something is better than nothing. Now I know what I am fighting and Paros and I can get well again :)
Prayers that we are all safeguarded from unscrupulous companies concerning our health, money, time, spiritual well being, etc.
*Update* Another 7 vials of blood, liver scan, still no doctor or treatment...time just ticks but it was good to see and talk to family. I talked the longest time with my little brother and sister in law, step father, and daughter :) They are so loving and supportive. Then slept for 14 hours :l