Still trying to get appt. rescheduled with the doctor in my insurances network and it's been 3 months since I had to cancel...but can't get rescheduled :l I don't know why it is so difficult to go to the doctor anymore but it seems the world is totally backwards or upside down. I think Obama is a nice man and always tried to say something nice about him but I think he just made the low ranks whereas leaders are concerned. Especially when he traded 5 convicted terrorists for one soldier who left his post. Seems the lame are favored; like the nanny seeking law suits and squatting in the house of her former employers. WTH is wrong with people??!? I know they have rights but when it is written soooo clear and large on the wall...wouldn't that allow the righteous to have double the rights or something? Anything?
Bulbs from same pack |
Now my son in law is one term short from a full career in the marines but they prefer him to retire now with no mustering or whatever like my dad, grandfather, great grandfather, etc. Isn't his fault those CIA behaved immorally when watching Obama. That training was up to their parents lol. He is a sweet, smart, loving man whose children are kind, grateful, very intelligent, and the most loving kids anyone could come across. Very well behaved. I am very proud of them but no longer do I fly a flag for this country at this time where we are Corporate America and driven further from the hands of good sound citizens. We are slowly removed from being a nation under God...more under AT&T and horrid Insurances, etc. I try to spend more and more money toward Europe, Christian based companies and refrain as much as possible from places like Walmart or other places hiring immigrants in other countries to make their products. It will kill me to say goodbye to Horchow but at least they rectify something quickly and are soooo friendly. It just takes up too much time to send something back and hope the replacement will match...like the 2 lamps here. I ordered one for my foyer table but thought it belonged in the dining room so ordered another to have the pair replace the buffet lamps I had and didn't match as well. Not only are they of different heights, weights, and fabric but the finish is different too (one is more 'antiqued', the other, gold). I guess they don't have quality control in china :/
Neighborhood Grass Terrorist |
Well my internet is down right now but since I am in this page, I thought that I'd blog anyway and keep it up until it decides to connect me to the outside world. I still have this equipment that needs to be hooked up and guess I won't see that guy anymore so WTH am I supposed to do with all this? And the PS 4 is still in the box lol. I think the judge I see will be fair and reasonable. That's all. But if my neighbor keeps blocking my husband and leaving ruts in the yard, I think suing him when I plant my azalea's out there will be difficult in court because he is from here. Billy Bub's, John Boy's, and Bubba's are always the cousin of someone's friend around these parts so I think they side with that mess :P Hopefully not but the boy just looks money hungry and I can only assume he is trying to provoke Jim to knock his block off so he can sue or something. They don't even have their children so that is already a HUGE red flag in my books. Probably got some meth lab in their basement with some of the people in and out too. What those with drug money gets us. A white trash neighborhood terrorist :l

Excited to see my daughter and her family. She has graduated so I can just give her the boxes from Christmas and money to help them start out. Of course when they find a place I am just dying to buy her something very nice as a house warming too :} More than likely from Potterybarn, Horchow, or QVC. They have been my favorite shop spots the past year or so. My 4 yr. old grandson will have a blast in the dog's house. Jim worked on it for Father's day and Paro's birthday weekend while I made watermelon coolers, orange sorbet, and ground up rib eyes for hamburgers on the grill. Maybe we can get him a little chair and they will let us get them a puppy while they are here. We will do the roof in brown with brown trim and Jim still has to cut the dog bone window out and lay some sod. Of course the painting and gardening with dog friendly plants will be last (I had to plant some for now so I could maneuver around the patio without using a GPS lol).

My step dad came out last weekend too. I tried to spoil him as much as possible and enjoyed his company. I sucked him for all I could on his gardening knowledge lol. He and my mother inspired me to grow climbing roses, butterfly bushes, purple crepe myrtle etc. like theirs. Now I have sooo many and lost for what to do with them. A lot of them are already planted on the front 3 acres but a bit apprehensive with the behavioral deficient neighbor running lose :/ What neighborhoods do they tell their kids to go ride their AV's in the neighbors yards and not theirs anyway? Oh well...I've been blogging about doing the gardens and of my plans. Not like it's anything new lol. He'll just have to pay for what he runs over and I'm not going to let him stop my plans nor wait for him to find respect of other's property. Some people and things are a bit slow here. Ok. Maybe a lot lol :D
And I'm dumb too. To trust in others thinking they will get something right or believe their word is good. But to lose faith in our county...ohhhh brother! That's a scary thought. But really...we haven't gotten much better and releasing the terrorists is several steps backwards, a waste of all that money towards war that put us in an economic crunch, and made us more vulnerable.

But kudos for this town for cleaning up the hospital in the time we have lived here as well as getting the first practicing doctor AND commercial! That's progress. Nice to see we aren't going backwards there. And if Obama can tear down what we have worked sooo hard to do in obtaining those responsible for the 9/11 attacks....maybe we can reverse this Obama care mess and move forward when his term is up. Of course I am still waiting for us to undo this Corporate America mess we've been in since the 80's and the thought of another 2.5 yrs. with him is depressing. Like all this rain we've been having. Only sunshine for 2 weeks so far this summer. Or working sooo hard on this place in the house, removing trees, growing plants and grass only to have another set us back? Dear Lord I need an hour on a couch with someone intelligent (and not a nurse who says she is a doctor :l).
Maybe we will get to put it in reverse by renting this place and moving out of state. Or country lol...now that my husband's work is international?!? Ahhhhhh. What a lovely thought :}
Now to put it in drive and let Horchow know that not only FedX is hapless, but that China is slipping too. Still :/
*UPDATE: Horchow is not only replacing it by shipping one out now but they are also sending someone out to pick the odd one up so I won't have that long drive to the nearest FedX! :D How awesome is that for service?!?? :))))) Never goodbye to service like that ;) ~sigh~ :}