Thursday, August 13, 2015


Seems like the whole world is on a twitter, Facebook, quinoa eating, texting train. I still prefer mail, emails and thank heavens for this blog (insurance purposes, journal to date events which I find I am pulling more each day). I also keep the practice of taking food gifts to local businesses that I'm appreciative of like my grandmother and others so I took a cake and good package of coffee to my bank, then pulled in to take the small local police dept. a cake (I usually take coffee and fruit or cookies)...I was met head on by the day shift who does not know me at all. I wanted to make sure they had some because of the heat that seems to make the crime rate go up. I guess these practices are obsolete these days because they seem to be confused. Probably thought it was a bribe or something lol but just appreciative for when they come out to the house when the alarm goes off and keeping criminals off the street. They really do have a stressful and rough job that puts their lives at risk every day.

So with temps like 101 not counting the heat index, it's not surprising I'd pull up to a squad car with a guy laying in the back seat. Probably drunk but what a horrible time to say 'you're appreciated" :/ Not as bad as a sibling who was in drug court when a guy flees with officers from the court chasing him on foot though. It made head line news. Nothing like a little heat to make you want to escape drug court only to be captured the next day in the same town's McDonalds lol. Maybe they should give him extra charges for 'stupidity'. Maybe the heat melted his brain. I keep looking for 'trails' of myself from the car to the bank, insurance, or store :l

My plants are suffering too. Lost a few of them. Not sure if it's the heat or if they are over watered. I think I will need to do some research and segregate the plants that need lots of water from those that don't because I've just been turning on the sprinklers. With the bed rest I've been doing to get well, I've just been playing Elder Scrolls Online but then when I'm fine...I maneuvered my neck to where it
Moving in and not away?!??
has been pinching on a nerve running down my arm again so I can't lift the left arm. Again :/ As long as I keep my hand below my shoulder...I'm all good! Trying to push it back until I can go see the chiropractor. Hope he can help because it's a flat out NO to nerve blocks from the neurosurgeon with not much to say :/ (Bayou feeling my pain and drug his bed by me! Even his squeak by one :) ).

But we are really looking forward to hitting New Orleans with a balcony in the Quarter. Wanted to stay overnight at Myrtles Plantation but with deposit making each room $500 a night was scary in itself so we'll do the Quarter thing before cruising off into the Caribbean with my eldest daughter and her husband. Also got a deal on 4 nights in Gatlinburg so taking the dogs to the smoky mountains for vacation next spring. Not sure about Europe with all this billing mix up from the hospitals. I get to stop by after a doc appt. tomorrow and see if they located where they put my money :/ Weeee. Nothing like a weekend kick off working at another's mistake. At least the lady checking on it seems savvy :)))

Kudo's to dyson again! What an awesome company. Looking at the 3rd machine for the house...the stick one...for quick pick ups and turns into hand held car vac. RARE you find a product that WORKS AND HAS SERVICE!!! Really makes like easy!
Not sure what we will do for our birthdays this month but excited enough to get away to NOLA and Caribbean! Maybe we can see some old friends down the road in New Orleans and do the Myrtles thing making a few new friends with some spirits! Doubt they are as scary as some of this mess here in Mississippi or the traffic jam in Atlanta! :o More peaceful in the country with no services and inept ones when you do find them or crazy traffic with endless sea of concrete and buildings sprinkled with crime and road rage?!? Hmmmmm.

Happy birthday to us, Jerry, my father (rip), Memery, Danny, Tammy (college/chem mate) whooooa....toooo many of us Virgos!! PARTY! :D