Really thought I'd finish stuff up and meet that doctor but when I drove to the closest office an hour away (that can not even draw blood from there), no one was there. I called the office further up the road by 45-50 minutes and they said they called to cancel with me so I told the other elderly lady waiting with her son who drove down from Memphis to pick his mom up...then back over to this doctor. They said they didn't receive any cancelation call either. I went on to lunch with a sister and when I came cancelation call. Just confirmation on phone recorder AND email! So I was lied to, have been having nightmares of this doctor chasing me with a bat or big sword because I wanted to call the police on him (more like lawyer on insurance and him, write and print dozens of letters and send them to congress, news stations, anywhere else others have been telling me). This is just criminally negligent at this point and I think he was probably shut down because he has no license there. Will probably get them during this shut down or something.
Another person says to send them the bill. They charge and reschedule me even if I am 15 minutes late. Reason why I got a car after Miata battery died :/ Saving messages and with my birthday this week...just going about what I normally do. What else can I do?!? Shop, eat, drink, sing, and maybe dance if I am up to it. The song that I've been singing for the past 2 weeks is "How Soon is Now". Jim will be in another part of the house and think I am calling for his affection when I get to the chorus of "I am human and I need to be loved..." Omg lol...I snap out of it and just laugh! It's just How soon IS now? I've been waiting for 2 years now...after it took insurance 6 months to find an operating # with a doctor at the end...2 hours's taken more than a year and I STILL HAVE NOT SEEN OR TALKED WITH A PHYSICIAN! WHAT THE F*ing HELL?!? Yes...God hears and knows it and I would not, nor have I, refrained from telling the priests or pastors that I'm in FIRE WORD BRIM STONING mode! :P
The other song I've been singing for the past 2 days is "Wonder" by Natalie Merchant. I forgot most of the words so came in here to listen to it on you tube because it was driving me nuts! A friend had to shave her head and start taking chemo this week but I believe she will make it through this. She is under great doctors care who are treating her NOW...not 2 years down the road :(((( Hell...even my general doctor is mad and I think he has dropped my insurance company (United Health). She has combatted and kept her diabetes and MS in check, run the MS bike events up in Canada, was chairman of MS society in Canada for a long time, etc. Caring, smart, sweet, sensitive, strong, sociable, AWESOME soul! I adore her and pray she beats this.
I'm leaving my bday song up by the who because I hope to go shopping then hang here for the weekend of the actual day. It took all of my energy to groom the dogs and shave Annabelle down so I didn't feel like taking any pics yet. My symptoms are worse and growth in neck was pressing on spinal cord making me dizzy at the same time the ruptured disc was pressing on the nerve that runs down my arm so I couldn't even lift my arm up for a week. Glad the dogs are done though and it's national dog day so I'll have my pals hang with me the rest of the week :)))
And poor Dyson sees from their end of my bad luck. We don't know what happened to the first part they sent out but the second was involved in an accident. Then they said they were going to send it out. For a week :/ Then UPS says it was damaged too :l So they are sending out yet another one while in the meantime I am using the smaller dyson upstairs, and the clunky tank like Kirby (Royal)...which is really awesome suck power but is heavy and spits stuff out at me :(((( I just ignore the other end of the house except to come into the office which is still terrorized with paperwork and the foyer/kitchen/dining room stuff still piling up in the den to do the day (omg). (photo shot earlier of my boy Paros. He always knows when I am down or sick and is my best bud!).
Till then...bed rest with 2 TV's, PS4 and PS3, cell phone, lap top, and my BFF. So game on with ESO and photos of the sign behind 'Coon Dog Cemetery" in Alabama from the post below as well as the dog wash on up the road :)
I now FEAR this doctor but it is all I have...or don't have. What is the $600 per month for?