Lame hand can't fist :/ |
This birthday was the best I've had in a decade. I mean on the ACTUAL day because Jim purchasing me stuff on another day, or taking me to Europe a month after doesn't REALLY count so much as celebrating the DAY of your birthday but he got up at 2 am in the morning to leave Atlanta and make it back home to take me shopping, dinner, etc. :))) For him to sit in the lingerie dept. of Dillards for half an hour, then to hit shoes, handbags, clothing etc...that's quit a feat for a man lol! :D But he helped and told me what he thought I looked good in, which handbag (Frye is our favorite line out right now) he could get into easy (without it being a suitcase size Oryany handbag), and didn't wintz at prices. I also got another Dyson (big animal canister) which makes 3 in total. One for upstairs, one for down on one side of the house and the other for what my eldest daughter calls 'the west wing' lol :D And really...I am hoping to downsize. Living in the country is awesome but the services for this region are literally criminal.

So on that note...we will see this doctor I've yet to see in over a year this week. Not holding my breath and doubt my liver is dead because I can feel it but he WILL NOT be able to sell me on ANY invasive procedures. I'm beginning to think I'm discriminated against or something. I still would like some counsel on what is going on with how this operates here. I just try not to drink the water but have to wash dishes and fruit until I can get the kitchen done and an osmosis system installed to purify the water everyone needs. Some new symptoms have come up and seems these 'blocks' they do during surgeries must last 2 years or more. My left lung is 'wakening' so I've had coughing spells at night screwing up my schedule. Thank heavens for video games though because there is nothing on TV and I really don't want to wake up totally and come downstairs to fire up computers, fans, or whatever (lap top just SUCKS with all the bloat ware HP and windows 8 puts on there :P ).
Nothing much other than bday, video games, the dogs and Jim. It's been really nice but it's back to self diagnosis via 'Web MD' like the nurse says to do lol :D Hell...I've had more schooling than a 4 yr RN. Pre Med requires you start at level 400's as opposed to their level 101 silly stuff we take as electives pertaining to our major so Pfffft on that crap :P

Not much on new pics or graphics either. Putting one I worked on while on the phone this week, pic Jim took of me in my favorite chain restaurant; Outback (outside of Copelands which is no where near here and Texas De Brazil required another 30-40 min. drive after 4 hours of raiding Dillard's lol :D ). Also something I played on over a year ago when I was playing in PS Home and Europe. (And decided against meeting breeder when we go to Greece...they've changed soooo much and don't think they are down to earth or care for the company of a couple of broken down 'once was' but call it straight, brash, mid 50's and 60's old folk :/ ).
Till then...I hope Dr. Ben Cross, Huckabee, then thirdly, Bush...excel with voters. And Huckabee more so since he has political and Christian experience but really like that Dr. Ben in the debate ;)
And you HAVE to give it to Trump. At least he speaks his mind and stands his ground! I love that about him but he is too brash (like me) and lacks the eloquence and balanced nature that make a good President (like me and I even made a bad boss because if you steal..."YOU'RE FIRED" lol :D ).