Finding no-no's for Jim |
I've noticed a big difference by following a liver flush online but also found out my Blood Pressure meds cause serious liver failure as a side effect, and to reiterate...a bit of contaminated water but my regular diet is up to par. I've always followed the high carb, low protein diet my internist gave me 30 years ago when I came down with shell fish poisoning at a pre-med party for the DOA (Delta Omega Alpha....but as we'd joke...Dead On Arrival :/).I did increase my fruit smoothies, always use olive oil, adding lemon to my water even though I have lemons for my unsweet tea all the time (even have lemon trees I go through soooo many lemons lol...and favorite cake is lemon poppy seed with cream cheese icing). I live in the state that produces sweet potatoes so we are always stocked with that, salads, always been vegetarian until 40 but eat VERY LITTLE meat now anyhow..and lean cuts at that, organic brown basmati rice, organic brown rice (except white with chinese or social pot luck events and dog food...I switch back and forth from brown and white as back up). So hell...even the dogs eat rice or noodles with broccoli or carrots, apples, sweet potatoes, and rarely chicken! I'm still using Castor and Pollux Organix mixed with Blue Wilderness Salmon as dry feed.
Other than trying to break the horrors of UHC and treat myself, we are also thinking about dropping it down a bit so I can fly out of country to start a regime and have access to drugs that may soon as I research them online or get a doctor outside of UHC crap. I really do think I have a better shot at healing via a shaman in the amazon rather than their doctors so I wrote the name of the institute that does this in Peru from HBO's "Sacred Science". I think if I am a single indigent female...I'd probably get better free clinic govt care with my disability because then they can't tell me we make too much money :P (Bite me).
ESO Guild Play |
Got my eldest daughter a formal gown for Christmas dinner cruise. Normally we hold off on the Tux and gown stuff unless it is the European Voyages but I think this occasion will be good for a family photo and she was really happy. It' kind of broke my heart to see her semi formal dresses for high school dances and stuff sold at her garage sale this weekend :( I remember the year they told her that she didn't need rehearsal for the talent show because she was that good but she had to change words from Grace Slick's song "White Rabbit" from 'Feed Your Head' to 'Heed Your Head'. :l Sometimes I just wish I listened to something other than rock and roll growing up lol :D Trying to get her to come down and spend the day to pass my leather craft off to her...the mask form anyway. She was raised in New Orleans and attended a private school by the Quarter growing up so she has the sense of style and is artistic...not to mention was very easy to teach guitar and vocals was her own penchant from preschool.
Finding out the On Star, cell phone, gas, etc. is all tax deductible because of this insurance commuting me to death so wonder how the IRS will feel about that next year. If I had known...or out of my brain fog long enough to think, I would have claimed quite a bit on last years but it is all settled now...IRS paid but we are ahead with state taxes. I just figure if I get a head start on the coming taxes...we'd actually get them filed without doing an extension lol :D
Till then, I hope no one is neglected and ill treated by ANYONE...especially their health care professionals. It's not so much our number is up as it is feeling unlovedm mistreated, and alone. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.