So I just got tired of the nightmares and crying in the night disturbing Jim's sleep when he is home, waking him up, worrying him, and then he'll console me so I jumped up and shopped for him the Harley he wanted; Heritage Softail. He had even slipped and fell in the shower in Atlanta the week I gave him more bad news and landed in the ER so I just wanted to put a pep in his step and make him

drawing board looking at used Harleys but I know my mission was accomplished by the way he and Paros lit up like fireflies during the course of the day :) And somehow I knew when I quit worrying about the unscrupulous ethics and policies, mistreatment, and devious con methods of big businesses like ATT and UHC by putting it all in God's hands...things would come about ok regardless of our plans. They became His plan for us so the ripple effect took a different path from the one we were on and we came home with a fresh perspective :) Also found out his boss has the same exact bike so how bad can that be? It's a sharp little scoot!
And even though the insurance thinks I'm alright but when I got on the bike I could tell my balance was off...maybe they are right and I should take 'alright' for a ride lol! :D Although the neurologist was going to run another scan to see if the growth in my neck was growing and pressing more on my spine...and check the ruptured disc that sometimes presses on my nerves when I try to get active
(which is the least of my problems), the insurance thinks I should just do some physical therapy (which I am happy for on the disc part at least) but we'll see. I told my general practitioner yesterday if it's not in my head...I'll be in with more shattered bones :( If not...I'll be getting some of that fresh crop dusted country air after my glass of coliform water ...clearing my head and laughing in the wind I call "God's Breath" ;)
As far as these health insurance companies tying the docs hands behind their backs and not letting them do their jobs correctly, forcing us to just see nurses who only have a 4 yr degree (which I'd rather go into the vet with the dogs myself), and just go in for one thing at a time even though you may fall like me and shatter your arm along with hurt your lower back at the same time (which will FINALLY be looked at next week and has gotten worse with the trip over the wires when ATT connect tech had me bridge router to router one night)...I don't see where they, nor I, are saving any money so I will just keep making appts until it is corrected. The doc just laughed when I said "Inept" and how a friend in Canada was diagnosed with a lung tumor and already underwent chemo and radiation within 3 months time! We know she doesn't carry UHC lol! :D So nothing pathetic here but the companies :P I'm still trying to get in touch with FDA and discuss drug and treatment quality in Mexico...for real! I only blame that lesion turning into lesions this past year and a half on UHC even though they try to blame it on the region and docs (shame on them! family and co workers in other states that have them are saying the same thing about them! And they really should check who they 'network' with or hire into their network :P ).

Yep. Till then it's all a ripple effect. But we're through riding the inept waves cast by big business. We are skipping our own stones and I can't wait to see what's on the other side of the pond! (and I'm ready to shave my head of hair to show the gashes from the falls :/ Lol...my vet says along with the gen. P they should also do a lyme test from the 5 ticks in my head Mana brought me from the woods :l).