Hello!! We are almost there and while this has taken me months to tweak lines, fix and reformat one machine, order another while on a common default programmed pentium 4...I just ordered EVERYTHING new. 4k later...my last box with the router, wireless printer, flash drives, wireless keyboards and adapter so even the one processor desktop is wireless along with the multiple core ones...my Fed X man (who I am on first name basis with now lol) called yesterday during our snow storm to say he can't make it up our hill! I told him no worries that I would see him later when it is clear ;) (you can see I am months behind and scared to rip out Nov and Dec pages till phone #'s are transfered :/).
I had to load the photos on another computer and email them to this one so there is still months of setting up networking, calling software companies and installing programs along with other external devices, ordering new ones for the new machine (which will be Expressions Web, larger intuos, and PS CS5 with Dreamsuite and other filters). This should give me time to check out Cyberlink DVD software I had upgraded so I can familiarize myself with engineering videos and the likes before I advance on to a larger program.
Did I mention the 2.5 hours microsoft was in the new computer trying to get a critical update to install properly? I crashed and was on the phone snapping at HP saying grab some coffee because if ya can't get it right....I'm sending it back! Lol...they made the microsoft tech look incompetent :l

And while I still wake myself up at nights yelling at AT&T, troubleshooting, etc.....I know I am about done with this and can move on. Hopefully to install ADT? Which will wire the house online and I can view the dogs from the laptops while we are away so OMG...no....more tech stuff but I'M not doing it :D

Did I mention the 2.5 hours microsoft was in the new computer trying to get a critical update to install properly? I crashed and was on the phone snapping at HP saying grab some coffee because if ya can't get it right....I'm sending it back! Lol...they made the microsoft tech look incompetent :l

Paros is loving the snow though and the room looks less like a terrorist training camp that blew up and I do have ALL HP products along with a 4 yr. in home warranty with a fast 6 core hard drive that makes the other multi core machine feel like childs play (back on the flat screen in the den it goes...one week lol).
This time...no rookies will be allowed to move or add things to my electronics so Hello!!! We are almost there ;))