Well...at least it's not Paros who is the big bad wolf trying to 'mount' Aurora anymore. I guess 5 days of "LEAVE IT" in an evil tone has him behaving to where we can allow A to run with the pack. Her tail has gone from tucked under her belly to a straight down position. She sometimes has issues coming in if the rest run ahead of her but working with it. And Paros no longer faces towards the neighbors house in wait for the retriever but faces into the yard watching his pack! :)))))
So maybe if all is right with AT&T....I can focus on progressing my tai chi forms. I ordered a DVD on Qi Jong from Chris Andrel because he is soooo understandable and a nice guy to talk with ;) The yang forms are more geared toward martial arts and although I like parting mane and other moves...my heel kick lands into a butt drop and my knee just won't come up like it should with the Golden cock move :/ I also would like to order the 3 set DVD by Bill Douglas while it is half price almost :D
I did move one of Martial Robin's pieces of Gamer (Paros father "Exxos Gameboy at Zharook" owned by Pat Latimer...now deceased but forever in all of our hearts and minds as one of the finest...and Paros is the best I will ever own too :) It's in the computer room since I can veiw it more in here than the formal area (I have another few pieces of his :D). I think it was one of the days I was getting AT&T to correct things and took the phone to hammer a nail as if it was going to hurt AT&T :l Geeez. When will they behave or get it right?!? Hell...the dogs do! Especially Paros...he is extremely smart :}
Maybe I should continue with the Yang forms of Tai Chi so I can 'Take Out" AT&T if they haven't correct things :P They just hang up when my evil tone comes out and I become too stressed to practice breathing those days :/