I dunno but after slipping down to the Baptist church last week...we hit a dove, we are late, and I had a bad coughing spell followed by on odd noise that made Jim bury his head down toward the floor :l Not to mention I am trapped in the middle of the pew and couldn't make a quick exit. And this was after the previous Sunday when we were at our church and after communion...no more than 2 hours I get the Jesus smacked out of me when the horse puppy jumped up and knocks me over :/ Of course I spew my first swear word of the week so that didn't last long. Then Annabelle decides to open all the packages ready for post I left in the kitchen!! Wonder if I should have allowed him to annoint me with oil when he mentioned driving demons out?
Well...it was one of those weeks I just stayed in because I just couldn't seem to get ANYTHING right so I stayed on Photoshop in the computer room. Offline. The good thing about that is if you make a mistake...there is a 'delete' button :D Unlike those who paint on canvas...it takes more paint to 'paint over' your mistakes. I did get Annabelle shaved though and hopefully I won't go through another 3 months of water running at a 'trickle' because they were trying to save money and not run a temp line. It could've been worse though. If my breeder in Greece didn't mention about all the chaos over here and had flown Annie over....we would have had serious issues with her skin problem that would flare up (cause Lord knows her nerves would have been wrecked right along with us :( ). And over the holidays :((((
So this week I spent time over on Alvro's tutorial at Design Reviver ('Afghan Paintings' above), uploaded some snake skin and fur textures to Dave at My Photoshop Textures, and started downloading and installing some brushes at Q Brushes and My Photoshop brushes (thanks and will try to contribute more :}) along with some fonts, patterns, etc. I will have to back everything up (norton does it automatically online) via external hard drive, flash drives, DVD's and CD's. Then try the cascading routers. I am sending the wireless N back to AT&T because it is sooo light and cheap....the high velocity fans will blow it off the desks in here! And they did say I can purchase my own modem so I am looking at a serious puppy. I had also noticed they were not updating drivers on the Westell since they bought out Bellsouth in 2007!!! I really hope this is the solution to why I am at a death crawl with my speeds (still a .20, .60, and a .03...yes....03 one day :P). And if I can or have to purchase a box to upgrade my own speed...I may as well approach verizon for that!!
We've decided to just visit my daughter in Cali before they move to Japan and all of us take a 7 day cruise to the mexican riviera. We were going to stay on the Queen Mary that is retired and docked in Long Beach. After having 2 big screen TV's in our bedroom that is big enough to park 4 SUV's in...booting a grand kid out of their room or staying at a regular hotel wouldn't have been fun. But a haunted luxury liner? It would have been interesting at least ;) Maybe the spirits just need a little help crossing over :}
Our county recieved another blues trail marker last week. Allison Mose was honored by the Govenor and his inception was held here in Charleston. It was really nice and they have done a beautiful job with the old building. He looks great for someone in their mid 80's and I grew up with his music played throughout the house during house parties my parents held on the weekends back in the mid 60's (along with Platters and other stuff). It's an awesome blues/jazz tone although some songs like 'One Room Country Shack' are more blues than jazz. Bonnie Rait and others recorded some of his songs so it was an pleasure to attend....although I was late for that too :/
Thanks to my realtor, friend, church pal...Lannie...for bringing me dinner tonight! Helped me get my grand daughters mask done while others are drying overnight awaiting their next stage! Her grand daughter and her friend say they will come help me around here on Monday so maybe I will get caught up more and start focusing on seeding or sodding the lawn so there won't be anymore dirt spots or sticker grasses!! Also thanks to the pastor over at my neighbors church for inviting me back :} I was afraid my 'incident' was too much of a disruption :(
And I did my first 'tutorial note'. I keep forgeting to click the 'clipping mask' from the top tool bar in PS. I dunno why but when I do it from the small floating layers window...it won't work when I try to add my textures to stuff. I can't seem to bevel them so I found this to be a cool way of doing little virtual 'post it' tutorial notes ;)

It takes all kinds and things get crazy for us all. I guess everyone is just in the middle of the road trying to balance life. Praising God for blessings and knocking the demons out of the way!