Lannie's Sunset :) |
Spent a few days studying how to bridge and route 2 routers (802.11g to a wireless N Linksys) to pick up signal strength around here and make XBox compatible to stream from Windows Media Center on the computers (or any computer lol). Frustrating I had to do this when I asked ATT about upgrading. They finally say yes but they don't have a model available yet for me to view online. Then when I go see what they have a couple of months later...there is only the router for u-verse I see (and not having that available to me...scared to trust them after all the misdirection I received from them in the past 2 yrs almost :/).
So that my weekend wouldn't be shot down...I decide to walk away from that mess (still need to ask Cisco WHICH computer should I plug it into to get an IP address from their router). Went to get my prescriptions filled. No open pharmacy. Yikes! No biggie I thought. Only going to church, dinner and a slow drive Sunday so I'll just skip it till monday. NOT GOOD! Dizzy, woozy, pressure in my head...I spent the darn day in bed. So downed, I wet the leather masks that were cut a bit ago and formed them to my face while watching the news. Didn't even feel like playing a game :(

The week days have been BEAUTIFUL here in the 70's so played with the boys, talked with my yard guy (who I discover goes to the same church lol), hit lunch at a new place (and she goes too lol so we are hitting women's bible study together tonight). Also ordered some tires and got an inspection sticker, go home and realized I forgot to tip the girl who served me :((((. Money in hand I head back out and BOOM!! I locked the damn keys in the house! So I spent a few hours gardening and doing Tai Chi movements till I just broke down and broke in :/ At least I know my alarm codes lol :D

Did volunteer for Ron Paul and will vote in the primaries. If he isn't on the ticket ...I will vote for Obama. Not Romney is a bad guy or they will allow Obama to get our big businesses back over here...Ron Paul is just a humanitarian and like all doctors...a passionate thinker. Veteran in the war and shelling out his own money to help those in gulf war...doesn't surprise me he has been active in politics and Father of the Tea Party (don't tax the Po' man ;). His morals, heart, and free thinking nature are all in tact. Gingrich is lacking in morals to me, Romney over conservative and probably for big business. And after hanging with Mormon missionaries for almost a yr years ago....I can tell ya...they are STRICT! But good, holy people ;) Yes O'Riley...I guess I'm a pin head :l (Liberal Republican or Conservative Democrat lol ;).

Also had art up in one monitor for little breaks while studying so the wallpaper background came about from
Chris Spooner's tutorial (guy has been around for more than a decade!). Texture from
Lost and Taken, Did my own black chrome and tried to do a 'jewel' heart. Refined my hound drawing I made into a PS brush and then transformed it...giving it the settings of an 'inlay'' effect. Maybe when I get more time I will look up a tut for a better effect from the masters :))))
My baby girl is transferring to
Okinawa, Japan this summer and although I am excited she is getting the
opportunity to live in the 'Resort Belt' of the world...I know I will miss her. I will have to get over my fear of flying overseas. Heck. I spent most of a sunday down in bed with tranquilizers left over from the periodontist ...I can knock myself out during the 100's of hours over the big big water. I think :l

Well, the masks didn't come out to well because it was leather we use for saddle bags and heavier stuff or tooling (9-10 oz). Not easy to shape but will make good wall art. Mask template for the unicorn came from another leather artisan who specializes in masks and was featured on a Martha Stewart show. I wish I had time to tool on it but had some metal hammered out into little 'wing dings' or whatever (designs). Will post the finished product before I finish up the buckram masks. Although theese may not be comfortable to wear...they will make good wall art once dyed, painted, and embellished ;)