
It's been quite a ride since my last post. Caring for my daughter's dog, Mana, in rehab with my arm to regain movement, estate sales, and floor renovations. Not that flooring was on my list of late. I was focused on the outbuilding/garage for the dog and tools along with finishing the AC downstairs. Just wanted to help a young couple out who needed money to get thier own place and since I had slate...I thought I'd give him the job of laying it to earn the extra cash. Really need to get back to the ATT and HP issues with the computers but it's been nice to take a break from that mess.

Went to the ER twice since. One for a cat scan to see why I have headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Thought it was because of the pinching in my neck from the fall but there was infection in my lymph node. Need to get that tooth in the back pulled since my peridontist stuff has been pushed off from the shattered arm/plate thing :/ Then again I go for severe pain in the bone in my arm. Thought it broke off again or something. ER doc asked me "What do you want me to do about it". I swear. Then when he asked me why I needed to know what was wrong. DUMBIEST thing I've yet to hear! My docs in Louisiana said it was conducive for me to know what is going on because I am a participant in my healing process and I wanted an xray to determine if the bone dislocated and I need to up my appt. with the bone doctor by a week. The lortabs weren't working and I had extra morphine and percacets so I go home and take them. I then find out my insurance is only helping with 'generic' drugs and they seem to give me every side symptom there is so last script I got the real deal. Ooooo. Lot's of rest for me! That and the therapy = "Spa La La" lol :D

And it's been hard dealing with Mana while Jim is out of town. She hasn't been listening at all and on the 'Great Critter Hunt' in the woods, treeing squirrels, pouncing turtles, and corning a water snake. The black squirrel here is one of a few around who has fathered a half red and brown squirrel with a white nose I am wanting to get a pic of ;)

Playing with my realtor, friend, and lady that attends the same church with has been a blast though! She is soooo vivacious, smart, and funny! We hit an
estate sale and not only came out broke...but I now have 3 sets of china, 2 crystal sets, beautiful HUGE mirror, etc. Nothing I really needed but nice to do something frivilous while down although I told her I was going to 'frisbee' the offering plate at her come Sunday :l I played over at
Text Tuts for the 'Antique' in the graphic here yesterday. I also used a couple of the photos from
My Photoshop Textures (music sheet and old doc) in the layering process. I would have really loved to have attended the
Aberdeen Estate Auctin that had OLD Grant and Lee portraits, 12 foot high armoirs, 200 year old antiques, and even original
slave papers from a
historic southern home on the historic register. The place should have just been opened up as a museum but they are redoing one home there and posts on
Beauvoir's restorations. (I prefer the tag sales over the
auctions ;).

Well, back to driving a bit. Kept it local because I am in a splint and limited movement still. Glad for my old routines to come back around. Some new changes I don't agree with in the world like gay marriage (maybe ceremony) but some are nice. Like abolishment of slavery. I will go back to the black internist in the ER but not the white doctor, Bruce Prive, that didn't know what to do or that I should know what is going on who just made me want to transfer out of stupid. But ohhhh the sweet!
Robert Plant is coming in August to play his new blues at the
Sunflower Fest in Clarksdale! Too bad Sonny Boy was on that corn liquor and mean to him back in the 60's lol ;)
We've come a long way. Some changes are good, some are not. I just look for a good shot in the scheme of things ;)