Behind me up lane. |
Today I picked up where I left off. With Jim back to work and ATT fixed (and thanks to them...so far no bill...and it should be that way for much longer), I came online to see about boosting the router to get games, TV's, and computers online to update them, review policies between Obama and Romney, and check the water report because Jim was complaining of headaches right along with me while he was home. He thought since we didn't take in our 8 jugs of cooler water and relied on tap water that it was the source of his additional illness. I kept saying it's the crop dusters because it's all I heard and noticed this year while I continued to be tired, have headaches, Paros with the lethargy and labored breathing at times yet we drank the spring water and restricted our diets (he is still MUCH better off the chicken jerky treats all these months :).

Our water report wasn't online this year and they said to call so talking with our water guy here in town...he said to stop by and pick up the water quality report. I mentioned that I was sure it was the crop dusting because they were flying soooo close over the house this year to where others mentioned they noticed it too as they drove up. So I go check out the lab and home test links, then head over to
pesticide poisoning symptoms at
PAN (Pesticide Action Network) to see if I can just figure this out and be done with it once and for all. I mean crap...I'm still freaking out my jaw bone and first adult tooth has just gone 'poof', bones and joints all of a sudden ache and are shattering (and I've had worse falls right before moving here), everyday a headache and haven't had one since Dr. Sharp with the biofeedback and diet therapy in 1995, vertigo, dizzy, P's liver....I could go on (but blamed the lethargy on BP pills and country life which was weird why I should have to take BP pills after a year of living in this peaceful place :l). And hell if running the symptoms down didn't bring up the results of chemicals used in cotton! I am depressed but more so elated that I may finally got to the bottom of this and can rectify...or at least stop it from progressing!!! (meaning we are selling/renting and moving :l).
Now I know that crop dusting and these chemicals are legal...but if it contaminates the water supply or even my air space and me...that is THEIR fault just the same. It invaded MY space. And I know when I took an ex old neighbor to court over a black oak tree whose branches hung over into my airspace and property at the beach house, I won because it invaded MY space. Then there was EPA who told me I couldn't cut down a bush/tree that wanted to grow on the beach. My lawyers said I had repairian rights 200 ft. into the gulf and nothing or no one could block my view...it was my space :P (I just couldn't put up a fence hehe :}). And when I was burning leaves at the lake house one year and the smoke wafted over to my neighbor son's graduation party, well that was his space and such a no-no. I put it out quick, fast, and in a hurry as not to spoil his soiree :}

And all these people that died, or dying of cancer here in this town is soooo sad. Ms. Diane's husband and father who both worked in cotton gins, the neighbor man behind me died last year of cancer, several people from church in town and so on. It's just wrong and negligent for them to fly right over my roof and start spraying so close. Hell, you aren't suppose to even burn leaves when there is a slight breeze. I'm mad and want out. Or at least want my medical bills paid and further testing to keep from losing anymore teeth, dogs, bones, etc.
So this is the hookworm, bible, cotton belt. I spotted where civil rights and another action right organization on this stuff where hand in hand with basic core values. I don't think God had us in the wind to waft over here for no reason either (and ohhhh how I was started this blog for PS links :/ ). And in reviewing policies between Obama and Romney...this mess just made up my mind to vote Obama (right when I was beginning to think Michelle got more done with the obesity program in schools lol because I'm not gay, I bailed my own butt out of problems and debt, and I need my gun for critters :l). His foreign policy and workers rights beliefs just won me over though after reading all I have this morning (thanks to budgeting on Direct TV and dropping game lounge last week :/).
It's wrong others suffer and die from haphazard chemical driving; crop dusting.
*And God...please comfort those who lost loved ones due to Sandy and guide me in voting on Tuesday. I'm soooo flippant on this and feel like a ping pong ball in politics :/ (or open Obama's eyes to moral laws and Romney to us little people's rights :l)*