appropriate for him to find a cypress knee shaped like an eagle when I was showing him all the ones I've spotted since going there! How cool. And they took me to Fridays up by Memphis for lunch on the day of my birthday. Shell tried to teach me how to take a selfie but I ended up doing it the old school way...if front of the mirror lol...because I was able to get both eyeballs in it, no blurs, no top of head shots...omg...these selfies are a new thing to me lol!
Bayou may lose his eye though. He attacked Paros right before they came and Paros will mouth him to get him to stop so his cornea was scratched really bad this time. Took him into surgery so I will know if his site will be saved when the vet removes his stitches. Had to go to a new one because the local one doesn't do emergency calls and the other vets won't do them if you are not a client so I cried like a baby. Like losing a friend and going through that mess with little Bayou :(
Terminix did my insulation but didn't get it everywhere..then just sprayed over my boxes of taxes, bar sign, etc. Sales man said they'd remove all that before doing the job and I even had to empty boxes (3 loads) brought down and burned. Still not done. And when direct TV came out to install TV for Shell's room and den...the guy removed my Dish satellite from my TV! Then didn't install Shell's TV because no flooring in attic...because we are still waiting on Terminix to finish...so no TV there and somehow my HD is out in my dish :/ SCREAM. Thanks to Chris again...he floored my attic with older grandson! And a witness to all this crap I suffer here. He is in complete disbelief, horror, culture shock, and there is no way he will ever settle here lol!! This is just for a moment while they gather their bearings, look at houses and jobs, and visit :)))) Omg! We've been so busy...not much of a visit yet but I see things settling and him starting to relax!!! I adore him, my girl, and the gkids! Including the little strange one who has a strong penchant for skeletons, drawing tombstones, and screamed for a life size skeleton he has named 'Bob Skullington' :l I am ready to email Chip Coffey lol :D

play. I'm learning a dear friend may have indeed passed after Katrina. He was on his way to my house for shelter. Prayers already seem to be answered for this family to live under this roof with no yelling during stressful situations.....but to walk away or carried away with crazy laughter at it all. We've all been there and will continue to revisit unfortunately. It's all in how you handle it or pick yourself up when you fall so thanks to God I survived the things I have, make it this far to see my grandchildren, and to be ok for in my 50's :}
I think we are all broken in some way or another. And if we are blessed enough to find others to share pieces of our lives with, then we can find the strength, comfort, direction, love, and the understanding that we need begin the healing process and rebuild from there. We may never find all the pieces or fill empty spaces but learn to love, forgive, and be happy again. We need to be there for the children and others who need the same until we are reunited with the loved ones who await us in heaven.