Nothing like buying alcohol for house guests and they become terrorists :/ Fuel for the fire I always say but as a bartender and owner...I know it is legal and accepted...until someone drives or crosses the line. So with that said...we hid the alcohol and for one is allowed liquor on my premises so they need to get over it :P
Thinking I would get an apology and all would be ok this Sunday morning, I only find the sober to be threatening. Total sign of a true alcoholic so I see why he was fired from services and cannot recommend him for employment :( Live and learn I guess and best to know this now rather than later with regret. I also know I am too old to have someone physically cause me harm so just let me say it now...I will blow them down the road first before that happens so it's for best they go chill for now. And if I know you are in route to do me harm...I will have you stopped before you get here. Been there, done that. For the record...I squashed hit men, bikers, and others who have cut alarms, put guns to my head so get the hell over it quick. Hopefully they will come back with open eyes, regret, and all can mend but I am sober and on high alert here.
This week I need to focus getting the dogs to the vet. Bayou's surgery may not have come out well and he may lose his eye :( I am not putting him under any extra stress by grooming him so he is my little ragged one eyed pirate dog still :/ ARGGHHHH .l
Nothing I can do but make sure I am on the narrow path...and leave it to God. Till heart is breaking.