Sometimes it seems things have been going south for a good while now and there has been no exception this week. It has been rough with checking out insurances, banks, wrapping up taxes, doc tests which has pulled blood 3 times and had to hit my hand because my veins are just gone :((( Oh...and when I'd get done with the tests...I'd have to visit billing to correct some mistakes there. Having the bank print up checks for paid visits billing couldn't find where they put the money not to mention charge me more copay than what is on my plan so they need more time. Ok by me. I need my time back and if not...at least time to take a breather from it all. Cherry on the cake was when the health insurance wanted a drug test on me. Hell...I want an investigation on them so ok. Let's play! Even though I did see the new doctor walk down the hall on my 7th visit and relieved to know one exists the hour and 40 minutes away (unlike local hospital...which now has a doc and commercial wooo hooo lol :D), I am learning from everyone everywhere I go and talk to that I am the only one that has paid to see a doctor and yet not see them :o WTH?!? At least the car I had to get will be tax deductible. Still scratching my head on why they could not send the gap form out I requested twice.
OMG...Lynz's shoes lol :D |
Still scratching my head too on why is it that uninvited people or strangers can be on my property, trip, and my insurance can cover them but if ATT has me trouble shoot their issues here or when the power goes out and I fall down the stairs I can't :l. Would love the answer to that question. Of course I got ATT working and the electric company did come put a new transformer up but I am concerned about the holes the neighborhood dogs dig in the yard :/ I guess I just need more no trespassing or "Go on and get" signs lol :D Man, I am feeling like a recluse redneck more each day over here :l I am still kind of mad that the local hospital would even keep the nurse that told me she was a doctor here. I sometimes think a lot of my nerve damage would have never occurred if I was under a general practitioners care and was properly diagnosed. Then by the second fall from pulling up phone lines for ATT...the bone doc that put the plate in my arm/wrist would've known to tell the anesthesiologist about my neck injury. Of course I told him I had a neck and lower back injury from the falls just the same so who the hell knows? No one is telling me :((( That's why I've been ok with going far out of town for health care. Even the hospital half hour north of me is underwent changes in name and people (thank you God!!).
Pink Punk Cartoons :) |
But I did steal a moment to have lunch with my oldest daughter. She has been my prankster and colorful little birdie growing up :) I really love her music and she gave me one of their second CD's. I also found out they have played their music on the local radio stations in Memphis. I just mention her younger sister as the "booby prize" (a silly yet loving term) and really going to miss that one but she needs to find her way out from whatever mess she is in. As for the eldest "carnival queen"...I am really excited about going on a cruise with her and my son in law. Just wish I could've had a drink with her but I had to drive and it was a long way home. She was having a "Pink Punk Manhattan" with cotton candy something or another lol. My silly little carnival family :}
I have seen some changes I like that Obama has done like drug criminals...giving them less time. I never did understand why they did more time than some murderers or child perpetrators. I mentioned a while back I thought he was the most decent president, but didn't get much done so one of the most lame concerning politics. I see now that isn't so and would like to retract that. It appears to me that the legislature has given him such a hard time all these years so a BIG "I AM SOOO SORRY" for that! Appears to me he has been the only president in a long time to put our concerns as a people first whereas Reagan was business, etc.
More new age selfies lol :D |
So a huge 'Thank You" to Obama and his wife, and other people and businesses that make my life easier like the women at my bank, Dyson, Kenmore appliances, Cannon Chevrolet, the rocking chick helping me with my house and reminds me of my oldest girl, other people I've met along the way that made things clearer or validated on what is going on IS WRONG. I tipped one server $30 on a $40 bill at Olive Garden just because he was astute, hard working, friendly, and pursuing college at the same time. It's great to know there is a decent younger generation of people coming about and then those who are my age that service, inform, and care. Knowledge is power and I am voting for local officials on the 4th along with Initiative 42 (the funding for schools here politicians promised). I won't vote for my girl Daphne though. I've asked her every year for just 4 inches of shelf space to carry ANY brown hair dye but I guess since I am the only white girl that goes into her beauty supply house here in town...I didn't matter to her :P Don't know who is opposing her but it will be checked anyhow lol :D. And the jury is still out on DISH. Still don't know why they tell me I would have to start my contract over if I re-added Hopper on there when my youngest daughter and her family moved in with me last year yet have been charging me for it anyhow all this time. I wouldn't have gotten DirecTV!!
The people that have hit me the most lately though have been a friend of almost 20 years and my son in law. A big thanks to them. I love and respect them for their friendship, honesty, loyalty, etc. I think of my father's words a lot and God for being there throughout my life and continually picking me up when I fall and making the path I need to be on clear to see. He is always there. I try to remember KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid. I'm here and may only pass this way once so the best residual effect I can leave behind is one of love and that I care. People, actions, and things do matter to me. How we are treated and the services we receive or don't receive are noted. This house will be here long after we are gone but it will show it mattered to us and we've treated it with respect and love and that it was more than a house, it is/was our home.
Clearing old driveway |
And even though I am a part of the older generation now...I'm still working on the 'community' part. We all need to remember that regardless the age or time left here that we need to unite to empower one another and stand together for just causes. No one should be abused by big corporations or settle for the treatment like there was a "KICK ME" sign on your back. Leave it in God's hands and ask for direction. You'll eventually see the way he wants you to go if you trust him.
I have a large decision to make in the next 24 hours along with a final diagnosis/prognosis in the next 2 weeks (My neck has been killing me lately with all the commuting and liver shot probably because of some stress and boil water advisories on the news for a couple of towns away so more than likely...this town too...who knows :/) so I am taking it easy for the next couple of days to heal because I believe August will bring about a new path and journey. And with all the good changes along with awesome people I meet along the way...and wherever we may end up in the end...I am feeling really good about it and in good hands :)
This one's for you...Shar. We still have a lot of road before us :)