White Aunt Jemima |
I may complain lots about the state of Mississippi but there is a lot of good to be said for it. Like the nature (not over ran by big cities), the blues, farming, and gun laws. When a cousin came over this past week...he and Jim discussed how many blacks tote guns in Memphis and stories of encounters of non registered gun owners waving them around at them 2 or a various number of stories. Guns will be owned illegally just the same if they pass laws opposing the law abiding citizens who register their firearms like us (who not only need them for protection, but living in the country, we need them to fend off harmful critters as well). I almost don't recognize this country anymore. No God, no pledge allegiance, violence in schools, neglected children with both parents working, drugs that run rampant on our streets, major corporations lack of services and unorthodox charges...good grief I could go on.
But when it comes to the shooting in the black church in South Carolina...I am for a small minor change. The state flags of the old south. What are we going to rise again for? Slavery? I have one. Jim lol :D And I guess I am his too :/ I even voted for the flag to remain but it wouldn't hurt to show

an act of consideration and kindness...or humanity...and come together for this. This state is already poor and I don't know where they'd get the money to do it...nor do I know what they do with the money from all the casinos here. It sure isn't put into schools, health care, doctors, roads, etc. Yet I feel sorry for the young shooter. I blame his parents for teaching him to hate the entire race like that. And white supremacists use that flag for their racial cause. Hell...this war has been over for over 150 yrs and I was just a kid in the 60's when they didn't have their rights so vaguely remember that. My parents talked good about some black folk, and bad about others so I took it as MLK said...'quality of people'. But on the other hand, they should make the young black males pull up their damn pants! I am sooo disgusted by having to view their drawers and see the crack of their butt in line at the stores.
As for the gay rights...still all about them having their own kind of ceremony. I do adhere to God's word. Doesn't mean I dislike them as people. I went to a gay friends funeral this week. I also witness the pentecost preacher ignore and not acknowledge her girlfriends presence in her life and mentioned how they changed Tami's view on her deathbed (breast cancer). And even though it is a sin...we are all sinners...smokers defile the temple/body...I swear when mad...others gossip. Doesn't mean he will not take them into heaven. Maybe on another level. I am not the Dalai Lama who was raised to aspire to a state of divinity but I do strive to improve myself the best I possibly can with how I was raised and what I have to work with.
Did get a new car to go to doctor 2 hours away in though (and propped my feet on his desk saying "what can you do for me" lol and "since you don't have a plant...I'll take the chevy bench!" :D ). He had just sold a car to Morgan Freeman's new girlfriend right before me but still...I was mad I had to rush a buy a car anyway. I had my 5th appointment with the specialist and have to start all my tests over again. They didn't even do the blood work they said they did so don't know what is exactly wrong. I took Jim this time and the missed work costs more but had a witness to this mess. So with the rescheduled appointments 2 hours up the road...new car it was. Still haven't seen this elusive man so I have trust issues now but I get why my general practitioner thinks he is only an hour up the road (I'm thinking everyone speeds or just 'guns it' lol). He has that office an hour away but does NOTHING at it :l He did move it from a few folding metal chairs in a strip mall to a huge building...but still nothing. They have to retest me and I am upset because I kept trying to get them to reschedule the last procedure when the Miata's battery died. I feel sorry for the nurses...you can tell they are OVERWORKED and he is a mean doc to work for. Been there, done that...Done there, been it :P Now I may have to drop my coverage down but I have a car to get there so WTH?!? Still have to get lower back looked at, arm is in pain all the time (where the bone broke, not shattered and plate replaced oddly).
Got treats? |
So my kitchen remodel is on hold for now as we take the long way around resolving issues. I still have to do taxes and also had to repair upstairs central unit with a used one for now. It's all good though. I won't have 2 satellite TV companies to pay. Dish's contract expired last month so $71 per month for BASIC TV was crazy high anyhow. Direct seems to be the better deal. I also cut corners by running just window ac's since I am the only one here most of the time. And with the new Elder Scrolls Online...that keeps me busy from spending anything to where I even forget there is a new SUV parked behind the Miata lol :D I do like taking Paros for joy rides to the lake though. Also going to change my regular doctor to one who knows what is in their network and get this hand looked at...and what's with the dizzy spells. I will be able to stay on top of Paros's coat :)
It's good to know where I'm at with it all though. And where the girls are even if in a place I don't like...prayers are for they are decent women, healthy, and happy. If I don't like the place I'm in or people I'm around...I can always just gun it down the road!
PS...I said my piece on FB and not going to apologize. This is why I am imperative on where my dogs go when I pass because I hope no one does that to them...especially on my birthday...and just think..."Oh well. She isn't here and dead and they are only dogs". No reverence for deceased loved ones :((( And if people KEEP doing wrong...I don't even need people like that around me. Everyone I speak with agrees they'd be ballistic if someone abused their children/grandchildren as well. And I haven't mentioned things like tax evasion, insurance fraud, etc. so they need to just defriend me (or de family?) Please.
It's almost Friday but Sunday's a coming. Poor priest :l