Still nothing new in the way of leather or art except teaching the children (nieces and nephew) how to make masks. They are really seem to have a strong penchant for it and have been a pleasure to be around. The one that is my grand daughters age isn't even interested in boys or walking down to the highway to meet some, although I think my grand daughter was under peer pressure from the friend she made here the month she attended school (daughter pulled her out when she seen she was interested in a black boy although I would have pulled them out 2 weeks earlier when I heard my grandson witnessed drugs going around in junior high!). They were soooo sweet and such innocent babes! I couldn't believe they lasted the week with me (Jim was in Atlanta. I think he lives over there lol :D).

I'm still trying to get taxes together this week, still haven't met that elusive doctor but did talk with my insurance on new doctors between Memphis and New Orleans. I was pleased to see my old doc in Louisiana accept the health insurance we carry and I can visit the chiropractor over this/these ruptured discs instead of neurosurgeons with their surgeries and nerve blocks. Still haven't validated that is where my nerve damage is coming from but would bet my life :P Other than that...we did all fall sick (dogs, children, and me) a bit so I'm sure it was from the water. Really need to get the kitchen done with the reverse osmosis system in so I can be done with that and can stay out of restaurants, diners, packaged foods, etc. :/

Did get out a bit with Jim. Took the dogs to see the buffalo for July 4th holidays 2 hours away, lots of restaurants till kitchen is done, hanging with sister, went to see a cousin this past weekend which puts Germantown out of the places to commute to specialists to when I saw that traffic btw! Man it's gotten crazy there. I guess really everywhere in the states and it's why there is such shortages on everything like food, water, etc. It's those things that make me appreciate the country even more but I still believe God will get us to where he thinks we should be. I know a lot of people don't even believe in him and I have a son in law I respect and love dearly (especially when he can speak truthfully and communicate on things that are hard to admit to ...unlike the other one who rolls his eyes when you say "God Bless" or plagiarize quotes from the bible adding his name to them. I just think he is a dumb drunk asshole that has restored my faith in the Government when they saw through him and forced him to retire lol. I hated to have to 'defriend' my daughter on FB but after that one...it hit me how STUPID I WAS to engage in serious conversations with drunks :/ I'll get nowhere fast with that lol and it's not like they really ever have a sober day. Maybe one or two a week if that from what I've seen but when you hide it a lot or are in denial about how much you drink...just go back to the closet and stay there until you can face the real world with sobriety and truthfulness.

So maybe one day I can carry on with art tutorials, links, photos, etc. but for now...I'm still correcting a lot of issues I've come up against when I moved here (ATT has been great!!). I realize now there was a reason for it all. Hurricane Katrina on my birthday with her eye dead over my beach house, seeing my parents laid to rest within the year I moved here, now watching a younger brother become a man and start a family of his own, and even a sister come out of drugs and enter a world of sobriety. Not to mention our own :) Jim said this place reminded him of Sodom and Gomorrah. I even feel like I found at least one old contact from here that is still a decent person along with a few new ones :) It would also be nice to see, not the black race, but the white race, become considerate enough to put themselves in the black races shoes and take another look at the rebel flag. How cool it would be to remove it from state and other official places and show them we care! I tell a couple black lady friends that I never looked at it as a race thing. I was just always 'Getting my freak flag on to whoop it up and be a rowdy fool on the weekends. I guess I was always just rebelling against normal mundane convention in lieu or a wild weekend ;)