What UHC gives you |
I still haven't met the doctor but I finally got some of my tests results back. I had to call her back into the room...I believe we are both overwhelmed and still playing catch up (seems the insurances use the cheapest doctors and is why I pass 5 on the 2 hour route to this one who is flooded with patients due to insurances ONLY choosing those doctors who charge half price for visits...then they continually say "No" to treatment leaving the care takers frustrated!). I was wrong in the last post. I am stage 3, more than likely have diverticulitis with the liver issue, and being sent to a urologist (or at least the nurse because I know United Health Care won't give more than a dime back on the $600 I pay per month :/). At least I found out the doctor doesn't even come to the clinic that is closest to my home (one hour) so if they ever send me to the clinic 2 hours away...there may be a shot at meeting him. Until then...one issue at a time...no extra stuff. And the 3 tests by 2 doctors I've had in the course of more than a year...I now know I have liver failure/disease whatever.
And I wouldn't have had those 2 beers with my birthday dinner if I had known. Yeah...it has been swelling some the past year and a half but mainly due to stress or contaminated water (the dogs will do foul death poops at about that time of year we have coliform and it's in the news for other nearby towns). I have been sensitive to common staff bacteria since I was a baby so you can imagine a heavier bacterial infection internally and what it does :(((( No matter...my daughter and I call it "Level 3 and the Game's Not Over!" lol so we had "Celebrate Life" day with lunch at
Memphis BBQ Company along with 'Shop till you drop' at Dillard's! I felt fine...a little sad and angry at how the insurance does but wasn't going to let them win! ;)
Watch me NOT be stuck! |
I felt fine that is until the lawn mower got stuck in a seriously huge hole the neighbor's dog dug chasing moles :((( Angry but knowing I can rectify this...I get into the Miata to go a push it out of the hole. Mold everwhere! Now I am cursing the insurance company because I wouldn't have had to buy the new car if they just accepted the GAP thing to go to a closer doctor! So I clean the mold off of the leather seats and go to start it. DEAD. After sitting there for 2 months...the battery went dead. I'm beyond mad so I use the new one to pull the lawn mower out by rope. That night...my liver was just PUSHING on my ribs and the first time I've had PAIN with it. Bed rest for me over the rest of Labor day weekend until today :)
commute to doc |
So I'm online trying to get a dietary regime for all of this mess. No more nuts for me and I can keep on my daily breakfast of yogart, adding more water but need to look more into it. I had to restore the computer, fight with HP's horrid wireless printer with the continual driver issue, finish taxes (owe more than last but not as much as when I had the restaurant bar thank you God!!!) and I guess I need to look into self treatments...maybe another country...if my insurance says 'no' some more. I also need to go ahead and buy a couple of burial plots, sit down with an attorney to do living wills and stuff and may as talk about all of the hell my insurance has put me through if I can't get treated and move on to neck therapy or something. I am also working on a general letter to congress, CDC, news, lawyers, and several other agencies so no one else, like the vet that died waiting for a doctor in some fictitious network, goes through this hell.
As for my friend going through treatments for cancer...she will have her story of survival that brings light and hope to others. My tale will be one of reform from criminal neglect from big businesses that are only out to take our money and provide no real services. I think the government has become a big business and not the people themselves. I think Obama is an exception and is compassionate and humane but just like the doctors, they have his hands tied behind his back too.
Bayou moves by Paros |
It's my life. I will kick whatever demonic, cruel, callous obstruction (insurance, or any other big business) that detours my path to wellness out of the way! If I have to go to another country and do a self treatment plan to go along with my self diagnosis, ask my questions on web MD, or the 2 hours on the phone with United Health Care who "couldn't help me" after looking 2 hours for a doctor in their network (blogged about 2 years ago and took 6 months to find one 2 hours away...omg wtf?!?). I wonder if that will be tax deductible along with the reverse osmosis system and car to commute to the doctor while in the brain fog (which I am beginning to think and read is from the liver and not the ruptured disc, nerve damage from block, or pinched spinal cord from calcium growth....which is all been ok with stretching my spine out daily...as long as I don't have to do any lengthy bed rest :l).
Another plan is to have Jim put poison traps all out in the front 3 acres (if the dog dies...I'm really sorry. I have tried VERY HARD to speak with everyone about this but I am done now). Seek treatment; I guess by flights for antibiotics to Mexico to knock out this infection for now. Speak with attorneys, etc. Since I only receive nurses help (except from general practitioner...all of the rest in the network is nurses :((( ) for a doctors pay and $600 month to UHC yet still have to seek answers and treatment on my own...it is cheaper to just be fined the 2k or whatever from the government for not having health care. So go on ahead UHC. Say no again. I think I see why people become soooo frustrated to where they bomb your buildings (I really hate to say but this must be how they feel :((( ). New plan also is recipes. No more wine in pot roast, pasta dishes, and questions about the herbs in my garden (basil, rosemary etc.).
Birthday flowers still nice |
I've always had 2 glasses of wine or champagne for Christmas whether dining in the Blue Room in the Fairmont Hotel of New Orleans while raising my eldest and this was to be the first year to do it on a cruise with her so I won't be able to partake in that celebratory ritual this year. I missed it last year as well in support of another family member's sobriety. I think I will come up with a new tradition of reading a poem or verse from catholic bible to mark the occasion :)
We all see now they drag their heels in hopes I'll just die or get so bad I can't be treated but you know what? I put this in God's hands and he is the winning side. I've always wondered 'what about hell?' with that near death and the understanding and vision of how we were all in heaven (individuals who made wrong choices due to desperation or stupidity but have remorse and faith). Hell is reserved for big business out for money lol! How funny that one incident still gives me insight and understanding to it all.
For now...no signs of treatment or a doctor. Just fire and brimstone from me! :P
*UPDATE: I wanted to put an old photo of me with my trophy and flowers when I competed in the Miss Memphis Bicentennial contest here but my past life photos are in a siblings hands who isn't organized nor can produce them readily. I am reminded again and tired of my life or life's past in others hands so I need to rid this like a plague as well. I'm in charge from today on :) (and 2 cousins competed for the crown of Ms. USA representing Tennessee and Mississippi. They weren't treated this way and more deserving of actual care as well).
Metairie college years at 23 |