Yesterday's high of 71 was appreciated but it rained all day trapping me indoors. Going through some old photos...I found this one here of Gravel and Papa Kenny. He had given me one of another friend (below) to give to him but I always forget or couldn't find the pic. Have it now and it can keep raining because I found a lot of them and can tell they will need to be enhanced. When my wacom tablet comes in next week...I'm sure I will be throwing some in PS. Also get to gift an Art Suite to a friend in previous post below. She will get all the benefits PSP Art suite offers along with upgrades and support but when it comes to older pics...she gets them though because she has mastered photo restoration ;)

And ahhhh haaaa! More old pics from my bar! Doc was my colorful character I called a 'Mini ZZ Top'. Can't remember what he did for a living but I would throw him on duty at the bar on weekends when I needed 3 bartenders at a time lol! He and Jim endured 21 agents from 4 different agencies (DEA, ATF, FBI, Local) that did a raid on all the bars on the Gulf. The headlines read "This Bust is for You". Everyone got a felony charge, except me. The paper stated "..and 1 misdeamenor" which came to $100. This was because the boys stored liquor in wrong place while I was awaiting my liquor license :/ At least they bailed me out first among a hundred or so of us rounded up at the armory. So now I have HIM framed above lol! In PS and Dreamsuite, anyway :l
I've always heard what goes around, comes around. As for graphics and gifts....I've paid it forward and it's come around again so Shar...this 360 is for you, my beloved friend ;)