So glad the weather is turning nice and the grass is starting to grow. There was snow in northern Tn a week ago but missed me here so I've started weening myself off of FB and moving about. Paros is showing signs of friskiness along with hair growth and it's hard to keep him in now that the weather is warm. He sits and looks out the windows of the computer room or bedroom (above) like he is waiting for the rain to go. Of course it would kill him to miss the deer on the property as well :/

Hopefully I will get to see the nieces soon and children are a joy during the summer months! I have a new nephew I haven't met yet and he looks sooo sweet, I can't wait to hold him and say hello! Till then....Jim is thirsting for another bike and even snapped this pic of a goldwing with it's matching dog kennel in tow.
Spring is here and the roads are clear :))))