Friday, April 16, 2010


It's been 6 months that we moved and I'm still in boxes, haven't hung all my prints or paintings, and still filing 12 cabinets full of paperwork between the computer room and office. This is twice the computers have been worked on in this time and now I can't function at all with scanner down, programs still all not loading and a couple of new issues arose; DVD burner and graphic card. At least these will be easy to fix...then I can add a larger monitor for work while communicating on the other monitor.

Speaking of communications...outside of the 5 hours with norton when we discovered 360 wasn't compatible with XP (which I love more than Vista)...I spent 2 hours on chat with HP and a good 30 minutes or more with Adobe. Not to mention the emails to changing over filters and calls made to techs. All I can do on here is FB and down about not getting the club's site up.

Then there's AKC. Thank heavens my breeder was able to answer a question I had about Paro's paperwork (and at least the computer was working long enough for me to print out the foreign registration papers mentioned a month or two ago). The DNA sample I need is not from his mom but from him. Lol...I can just see me now asking the local horse vet this...uh...I need to send his DNA into AKC via a secure facilitated and acceptable transfer mode :/  Geez. I see us commuting already! Maybe I should just let Paros do his own paperwork and send the drool chewed pieces to AKC saying it's Ms. Style!! Teeth impressions are lagniappe ;)

It's been so crazy around here I picking up the phone during the faxes and the UPS and FedX guys are afraid of Paros so they just drop off the packages and run. Mr. Bad thinks he's all that and he is just a goofy sweetheart!

People think I stay on FB when I just stay online. We are wanting the whole house online and wired between the securtiy system, intercoms, and surround sound. When you google earth shows the house as being online and cool. Want an extra phone through the computers as well as maintain the hardlines but back to the programming...pun least my daughter, the weather, Paros, and we are all good. Sorry new photos won't be posted :/ (Dog photos courtesy of Evi Tragali...3 Graces Kennels)

Yep. Call boxes. Road side service of the old days. But even with cellular, hard lines, computers chat boxes and emails, or even faxes....sometimes you still can't get service :P