
There is nothing like getting busted by your neighbor while hot, sweaty, in ragged clothes doing yard work! What's worse is that the yard guy doesn't do bushes :/ Lol...I'm getting good at it but keep having to level up on the trimmers. Neither one of these is doing the job and I have to get a third HUGE gas guzzling set. The shrubs in back are NOTHING compared to the rest which requires a ladder but already set on those :)

Well...the yard guy doesn't do bushes, the computer guy doesn't do software, and the florist doesn't send the right flowers! I am learning bushes and software...so now I am growing flowers and may just send them freeze dried lol! I ordered the Bird of Paradise arrangement pictured here but my friend took a picture of another species :\ Not a bird in the bunch lol! And at least my yard man cuts grass and bush hogs, my computer guy is saavy with hardware/wire and actually fixing the mechanics of the computer but the florist didn't even deliver! What a world we live in.

And wouldn't ya know....I'm going to have to learn how to wrap my dogs coats my ownself! But thank heavens my breeder chatted with me today and lead me to some links with pictured instructions. It also had me do some minor adjustments here like add google and bing search so that I am not at the mercy of yahoo! Never can find anything with them and not sure how to save or organize my bookmarks on Firefox. After all...I'm having to do my own bushes, software, dogs, growing flowers etc. But hey! The computer guy just called so I will have 2 monitors now and what a mess he is in for lol!!
So pass with care...especially around here and me with power tools...or you are likely to get an unkind word or unwanted haircut!!
And btw...as for my computer and yard guys....wouldn't trade them for nothing! What they don't know is that this is Hotel California...they can check in but they can never leave (I won't dare let them lol!) ;)