But working on it lol. I told my daughter I would name a post "WE'RE ALL WHITE" whenever the house was finished being painted and Jim being the northerner he is exclaimed "Oh! That is racist!" :l Racist? Lol...If I'm not all white...I must be something else and he don't seem to mind the junk in my trunk :l With as hot as it has been and all we've had to do...I am glad at least half the front is done.
Got some stitching done but machine is acting possesed and about ready to grab a sage stick and carry out an exocism over my machines over here. So I took some pics with the SLR I bought last summer and all the pics have been blurry so reading to see if maybe I set something wrong there :/ Might as well grab the security camara books too and get down with that as well. At least the afghans are getting along. I think it's the walkabouts together :)
Started an early jump on trying to wire the house with surround sound. Really wanting wireless and bose at that because the only speakers with bose right now is the computer and car. The surround on the TV's are good but the bose system for them is complex to understand when integrated the whole house so I can stream music from music DVD's on one of the TV's, CD's, radio, or from the internet without wires. Bose have wireless but not if you want to build them into the wall so I plan to hit up the salesman with that right after the AC conversion and painting :}
And man my head aches trying to understand all this. What happened to the day when you could just pick up the phone and request what you wanted with the professionals? Ha. Guess we would have to be in Cali for that where they offer uploads of 1.5 plus :/ I have been playing with PSP but hate it really so updating the PS finally. I played with the afghan scribble lol, cleaning it up a bit and then it hit me. Duh...why isn't my wacom tablet hooked up?!? I am about to hit Mafia Wars again in FB because I'm tired of the PS and XBox ...not to mention 'Game Lounge' nor PSP isn't cutting it when I want a mental break from studying all this :(

Mental Break?!?? I guess we're not all white lol. Yet :P