Last wallpaper with PS |
I have owned the Dave Mathews Piedmont concert DVD for over 3 years and had to post 'Eh Hee' for my mom. We both like rock but those who know me will tell you he makes my top 5 if not #1 and when hunting this particular recording up on you tube....I came across the original video and laughed my a** off! First time to see it and man if I don't feel like that on most days! I posted it below for Vevo Video of the month.
Still with my plate full with spring pollen and fighting mother nature, lawn man on hiatus, phone and emails with vets for Paros, mom in hospital, down to the wire on discussions with flying in Annie, Jim taking off to do taxes and driving into Memphis for specialists...and well...I guess swing a visit to my mom in the hospital now...I MAKE time to play with graphics or a game in order to chill. Did I mention the 16 recent critical updates to hit us all on windows? Nothing like a round of musical computers :/
Working on it :} |
And yes...we are still working on camera for security but I know she is crazy busy like me. I've thrown in the towel for doing the floors this year but sure I will get the fence extended, AC on first floor complete, and house painted. Whew.
Now...back to the lawn service...Jim has told Jimbo "Run if you see Joyce...she will make you clean the woods". Those woods are part of my yard and need to be cleared so this is an extra charge he can stick me with and I will be tooooo happy to pay it :) Just don't want snakes. And if that is the reason he is on hiatus....Jim will be out there doing it on his day off :P
My mother always told me that a man has his will but a woman has her way.
So make way Will....I'm coming through :D