Speed tested computers and got up to 5.5! Then I hooked up the new modem...why I dunno since the speed was ok but just because the AT&T techs said...I did. Speeds the same of course since I have only 6.0 DSL so must have been the cold weather or faulty lines that kept me down since last November. Still dunno but sending back their modem and trying the separate modem/router route so maybe my speeds will STAY up :}
I know I've been in the slow lane getting my craft/sewing room up but had inspiration so stuff has been unpacked and it's coming about too. Slowly :l Wanting to pull out all of my unfinished projects...beading, tooled leather, jewelery, silks, hides, etc. and finish up a few so I can start some others. Started doing leather bands/bracelets with the metal bike pieces and will embellish the clasps with bone and metal beads. Can't wait to get pics but did take one of the finished mailbox bling. Been like 5 mph getting that done so hopefully speed will pick up :)

Slow to get the security done here but we are slow here in the south. Waiting for parts, a day off for the tech, (I guess) and well...wasps in the attic weren't too appealing for him so Jim spent his weekend removing all the 6 TV cables, extra sat dish, ham radio wires and cables and then sealing the house from their access points. She is ready to be painted and hopefully any remaining wasps in the attic are dead so we're gettin' there...at a decent speed :))