I'm always rambling somewhere around here to get something done so we headed toward Clarksdale yesterday for a bite to eat and another oil change (in another vehicle) when I saw these birds in a cottonfield in Charleston. Not knowing whether they were egrets or snow geese, I start walking against the soggy rows pulling out my camera and zooming in to get a good look at the flock when they decided to take flight.
Now knowing how mean the geese can be and not having my glasses, I start scootin' hurridly in these frantic leaps onto the mounds so as not to sink in the rows between and stumble when I could swear I heard Jim yell "Run, girl, run! They're flying this way!". All I could do is to burst out running with the thoughts of the film 'Birds' by Alfred Hitchcock followed by me face down in the mud getting pecked and pooped on if they should catch up to my white ass :l I only make it safely to see Jim hysterically laughing. It took him a bit to be able to tell me he was yelling they were flying the other way so I wouldn't be worried and running across the field :/
We stopped between Tutwieler and Clarksdale to take the shots of the cypress posted here. You can tell it was a beautiful clear day to meander along the way. The guys at Firestone just happen to be more professional and cheaper than Jiffy so we use them for our private rides as well as Jim's company's ride. They never seem to mess up and no break downs occur like we experience at the other places so the ride is worth it and I can get some shots along the way or pick up something from the larger stores we do not have in town.
I wanted to play some Ry Cooder's slide guitar performing the instrumental version of 'Dark as the Night' (Blind Willie song) for MLK's bday the past monday but had to ramble on with my posts of the 'Big Tree Hunt'. Seems to be an issue with Robert E Lee's bday and MLK's on the same day around here in the news :l I say 'Slap they mama's' but it is what it is so let it ride. Of course I find it hard to imagine how someone can be so cruel to torture and beat a captured immigrant and enslave them to work free. I keep forefront in my prayers not to be so consumed in hate. It devours one's soul but none the less...history is history...can't really change it and glad General Lee surrendered and some of the beautiful plantations are in tact. They wouldn't be so beautiful if it weren't for them nor would they be here if it weren't for the Portuguese slave traders so hopefully there is a good outcome to all of that atrocity.
Like my blog...I can go off on a tangent and ramble on in you tube too. I came across a couple of nice slide guitar blues pieces though. This one and one by Jeff Martin playing his original "Black Snake Blues", and then from there, Riverland Rambler, and 3 albums later...lost as hell in the other monitor lol. Decided to do his normal piece here even though it doesn't go well with the Ground Zero Blues Club pics. Good place for blues, a sandwich, and a cold beer unless if you are squeamish about smoke, cholesterol, or sitting on cloth seats like outside thinking unknown micro-organisms may permeate through your clothes to your tail. Then you may want to try Morgan Freeman's new restaurant, Madidi.

Till then....a post of this years valentines wallpaper... then ramble through paperwork so I can legally run from IRS :/