
Laser Lites. One of the few products I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT and their service? Well...for once in life I can say that I have TRUELY experienced outstanding service! Their Ohio branch here in the states must have folded. I've tried to call them for over 2 months with no answer. I thought maybe they were avoiding all MS calls because I ..well...bit his head off last year for allowing my card number to lay around on his desk for almost 6 months. That's bad when my bank calls :/ And after having no water pressure for 3 months...I was FRANTIC about not having their product to groom Paros. I already had to shave Annabelle and Bayou. So I emailed their Australia office. Whew!!! What a life saver! Not only did he ship the products out to me...but waived the international shipping charge!! I ordered WOW detangler too and think it will knock "The Stuff" off the shelves whereas I'm concerned. If Silk and Drape kept Paros from matting too much...I am eager to try WOW detangler!! :D
Have Products, Need Water |
So right after the last post my products arrive, voted in the primaries (but reverting back to Obama since my man Ron Paul was not getting very far in that run lol!), and viewed most of Crufts Dog Show on FB (Europes Westminister but older and more prestigious to me :}). More shots from the hound groups there than online. I was soooo happy about the outcome too! The artist, Martial Robin whose paintings I've purchased, won along with another person who bought one of his dogs. And Paros' breeder, Evi Tragali...one of her dogs won in the hound group. She is owned by Pat Latimer (owner of Paros's father; Gamer). She is also a breeder, handler (and judge sometimes too :}). I just sobbed like a baby knowing I bought one of the finest hounds in the world and no help or services in this place to show him. I don't even care to breed. It's just he derserves this and maybe someone could have used him in their breeding program. I really didn't know how lacking this state was till then.
Luna Moth on Gun Cabinet :l |
Oh. It's not that they don't have canine activities here. It's just more geared to hunting (bird and gun) dogs. We do have fabulous specialty veteranarian services in Memphis at least. And although my parents moved to Mississippi a couple years after their divorce, I only experienced high school here for no more than 2 yrs. I should have seen the red flags when we had to get special permission for me to attend a school out of our district right after boarding school in Tennessee. And the 5 yrs I had the beach house on the coast...well...Louisiana was only 15 minutes from the house so all my services and hound people were very obtainable to me.
New LS inspired on hold with ATT :/ |
Well, Jim has me watching "The Bing Bang Theory" with him now. Says I'm a bit like Sheldon. Is it because I make him drive around a new restaurant inspecting their windows to see if they are clean to avoid potential food poisoning? Maybe because my verbal jargon perturbs him sometimes. I know it isn't because I go around talking about quantitative analysis from Chem lab or molecular structaral deviations causing organic malfunction in cellular pysiology (unless he talks about his profession :/). I think it is more due to my exacting virgoian nature of having to be set up and organized before proceeding with a project. The thought process just flows better for me :} He is more of a 'Get Her Done' and 'Wing It' man :l
Thank You, Kids Formal :} |
Anyway...there is a lot for him to get done around here now since the 80 gal hot water heater went out and there will be 9 of us here next month. Not to mention during another power failure due to the ancient apparatus our hokum (Sheldon word ;)) electric company charges an 'extra' $100 a month each month for (claiming it is because they didn't buy enought fuel from TVA...BS :P), I threw a lit candle and holder when I saw my hair on fire last night and broke a HUGE custom sized mirror that I AM NOT going to pay for! Then I was up till about 2:30, hot, with all the dogs barking at them. Seems the pole they were working on is in the front 3 acres of my property and is the same damn pole ATT was working on last week with their services out! I already fell down the stairs last year when the power went out...and had to replace the graphic card TWICE in the duo core hard drive with their 'flickity flick' power surges. Not to mention sending it in the HP the second time...Fed X beat the box up so bad....they broke something new TWICE MORE....and the 4th time I replaced the NIC card (it hit the news here around Christmas film how the workers just 'chunked' packages over gates...one a monitor with the picture on the box!!!). Glad I have all this in the blog somewhere. I am soooo damn done!!

Last week in church I broke down and sobbed when the pastor mentioned Japan. I guess it hit me about my daughter transfering over there. I was so busy being happy for her and arranging this cruise I didn't stop long enough to see how I felt about it. Of course with all the incidents this week...I am afraid to go this Sunday. I am apprehensive about what fire may errupt but it is doubtful he will mention ATT, Tallahatchie Electric, or lack of grooming/handling services. And oh dear....I do have a 12 year old from church coming today to help me around here! I am excited. I was industrious as she when I was her age so I hope I am a good mentor to her :}
And at least it was my neighbor at the police dept. last night when I went in barefoot, crying, couldn't find money, didn't know where a pay phone was. At least he can relate to this constant power failure issue! I'm definitely breaking down and purchasing a cell phone after this :P
So to break it down further...I am just done! No more paying for inept services and atrocities caused by their lack of services!!! I'm submitting the bills :P
And the Lhasa Apso won BIS at Crufts btw :}
Cardinal of Chaos?!? Noooo :}
Thanks to Ceri for song inspiration, Kids Formal for prompt service and 'Girly Glitter' inspiration while on phone ordereing with you ;), ATT 'heart attack' while on hold :/, and Laser Lites...wow!!! For beautiful, easily manageable glistening and impeccable coats with friendly expediated service! One reason to why the hounds are more gorgeous in Europe ;) |