
Before I forget...TVA comes out and I pointed at the pole giggling saying how I never noticed it before but had to take a picture and post it online (below). Angrily he says "Nothing is wrong with that pole"...then something about other poles and houses but how my house is too big and pulling too much power from that pole :l Well...I'm wire stupid but I am sure that with this house being original...that pole was put there at the same time too lol :D He then says "You need to check your wires". We did. Twice. I didn't even want to tell him my electric bill was only $200 this month and EVERYONE that has TVA experiences constant outages. He probably would have short circuited :l
And I normally am energy conservative. I have replaced the AC units (and waiting on the outside one to downstairs), floored and insulated some of the attic, added alarm and surveillance systems, will hopefully finish painting this summer and doing the sod, etc. but I'm firing it up tonight lol! I need some downtime with my pal :)

But thanks to FDA for taking our information. I had forgotten to tell her when he runs out of Jerky treats...I sometimes don't make it into town for a couple of weeks. Glad that maybe his ocassional vomiting is not due to the ivermectin. I had heard somewhere Afghans were sensitive to it but my other two never were. More tests...but not on P :)
As for the State of Ms...I can't wait to show and tell about the town now. I see why it always makes #1 in the news for being undeducated, slow, obese....whatever it is concerning backwardness...it's #1 of all the states. I don't see much change coming about either after today.
Definitely talking about moving and there has been someone asking me about the house ;)