
With time on my hand (yes...that is singular; hand :/) I've been doing the floor by myself. Since I couldn't get someone to do it a few months ago with the slate I purchased before last cruise and the accident, I took the slate back and they gave me store credit since it was purchased before the April 15th bone shatter (and found that is the date of Divinci's bday, Great Mississippi flood, Jackie Robinson 1st black Major League BB player but hitless, 30 million starving in China, Titanic sank and invention of the bottle opener. Dun't know whether to celebrate or drown sorrows with that opener :l). I got some italian porcelain textured 18 x 18 for floor on sale with 6 x 6 for tub surround, and still have over a hundred in store credit :D Sub floor is done and cement backboard over it. I've been playing around with it and thinking about incorporating a design element or something. Better than waiting for the computer to load a page (still not working right but will give it another week and try to see if things improve with new modem ~sigh~).

This morning I thought I'd strip and stain the cabinetry a walnut brown but our universal master knows I'd rather have another tooth extraction! I may wait until after the Christmas cruise to Belize and Honduras and just buy some
RTA replacements for a grand stained
here or unstained for only $450 at lowes (and then kitchen later
here?). I'll stain a bit and play with these while I have some time :/ I'm just soooo broke with all the rip offs and doctor bills right now I can't even afford gas to go to hand therapy half hour away this week :(
Tallest falls in CA, Belize |
And yep...couldn't even afford to go see a free concert this past weekend. Robert Plant missed again. I am beginning to believe more in fate than destiny :/ I can't even THINK of what I was doing in New Orleans during the early eighties when he spent his birthday there and a friend collegue of mine, Carol, got to go :((((( I think of her a lot lately. She went to Memphis state for fine art before moving to NO where we both attended classes for graphics. She was wanting to do menus for her restaraunt bars, Port of Call on Esplanade and Snug Harbor. We were both vegetarian Virgos from Memphis living in New Orleans under a graphics program and adoring Robert Plant. Ho hum. Just not in the cards for me :l
Native boy Inland Blue Hole Belize |
So I find myself rennovating again but NOT going to same places in Belize! I've done about everything there except copter or
boat trip out to the
Great Blue Hole. Seen the inland one, been to Copela's place, Banana bank holding Carolyn Carr's monkey and rolling on the ground outside of Tika's pen getting her to roll and bought some art, broke down in Coxcomb having to hitch a ride with native loggers after passing Fer de Lance off of Jaguar reserve to radio for help in Dangriga and sit all night eaten alive by mosquito birds ALONE, seen all the ruins (except Lamanai), etc. I'm assuming the ship willl be docked around
Ambergis Caye where all the dive, fishing, and snorkel shops are and the Blue hole is only a few miles out so it is
Great Blue Hole or
bust! I did think on the inland one since back then there were no cruise ships to visit Belize and the locals played there so I was afraid to go deeper into the cave back then.

Well I just found out my daughter landed safely in Japan. Last message I checked today in FB (only lets me check one message at a time since the ATT thing) was dated the 6th but my grandson called me a few moments ago so I got this photo. Yes. I would love to go to Asia and have cocktails with my wing nut lol :D I'm not alone :l There is another little improved cloned mini me out there :} I'm trying to get Mana behave and sit still for me so I can take a snapshot of her roaming butt for them this week. I know she has just been crazy busy with the flights for them all, shots, dentals, passports, etc. Says Dustin has drug this case throughout the terminal like when we went on the big, big boat lol. He's a rider and traveler ;)

My baby boy/best friend has been chipper still and flips his bone around, runs about, gets excited with his walkabouts, and still sleeps in in the mornings. He used to get us up at 5 am to go outside but now waits a couple of hours more. Annabelle and Bayou are still the Siamese Twins. His head is attached to her ass. He panicks if she is in another room and they are separated.
Till then we are really still in the wind. We like Charleston but get mad at bigger companies when they try to play the dumb card or rip off roulette not to mention they are still playing with the water around here but at least it's not a trickle :) We are still not members of any one church here either and Jim still prefers the Baptist one (wait till I get a chapel viel and take him into a catholic one lol! I need a little one on one time on my knees anyway :l). And I don't know why I listened to other dummies on claiming the accident to home owners. Our mother would've with her falls from rennovating if it were possible but I'm cutting back on some things to regroup and come out swinging.
Cade's 'Plan to Japan' lol ;) |
With the hand of time giving me this time on my hand around here...I'm doing a lot of research and will come out stronger and stuff looking alright in the end ;)