
I remember a friend of mine down in Louisiana that was in something like a 20 car pile up on the twin span. He had stopped in time but an 18 wheeler side swiped his truck and it got stuck to it while it drug them right on into the pile up. It feels about like what I'm going through. It takes just one idiot to drag you into a mess and while you are cleaning it up...another is created from it or another idiot comes along creating more :( The electric company did replace the transformer, but in picking up the extension cords and also the ATT phone lines, I have an accident shattering my bones. And it's not like they care to help pay for any of it.

And ATT's fast internet they said was fixed and hooked me back up on Monday is not working out so good so far. It drug on at a 2.0 the first day but they sent me another new modem so when I have time we'll see. I am only keeping my old modem because it can be bridged to a secondary router so the signals will reach across the house to the other computers. I think they still win when it comes to who cost me more money in screw ups though but adding that to the power surge that caused me to throw the candle at the mirror in the dark when my hair caught fire and blowing out entertainment center lighting, sockets, HD in the HD TV, (not even discussing duo core computer) and renewing a termite contract because they folded starts to pile up and deplete my finances. For now, I'm missing hand therapy to discuss odd charges in my bank and talk to homeowners :((((

The 3 trees hit by lightning from the storm aren't worth mentioning. It's just a matter of time when Jim has off and can drop them before they fall on the lawn guy. I already miss my old lawn service but he would submit a bill that was from 2 and 3 months ago so when he went up on price...surprise! I had asked him not to do this 8 months or so ago in case we got caught up in renovations, vehicle, or trip (which no South America now but Belize and cheap New Orleans excursion if we are lucky :((( ). Who saw the idiots coming or accident to come from that?!? At least the mirror is gone and to be replaced. I was brushing my teeth last week when it slipped down so blessings are that I'm not in the hospital with shards of glass sticking out of my back :l

And the beautiful slate I bought the week before the incident was taken back. I only got store credit so I opted for some cheaper but beautiful italian textured tile in 18 x 18 with matching tub surround in 6 x 6 so some things are working out nicely. I really love the rough stones but can't afford to trip on anything so keeping it smooth sailing in that area ;) Seas may get a little rough because the first thing I budgeted on was tithing :l Next is hand therapy :/ Also is this weekend's Clarksdale excursion to see Robert Plant :( (really blows). Who knows where I may find another expense to cut down on till I play catch up and manage these messes. Till then...more photos of the messes piling up :P

Could be worse. I keep thinking about Jim and I spending 3 years gutting the pool at the beach house because the pool companies were swamped with work for the casinos. I think they just didn't want to mess with the 10 yrs of abandoned debris we dug out in order to repair, patch, paint and oh! Did I forget to mention pull the tree roots that grew through the skimmer out?!? Lol...it was a beautiful reno after we were done though :))) And heaven knows it was just as big of a gut mess doing the restaurant bar at the same time :l So yeah...it could be worse. We've come through bigger heaps of trouble and mess and came through gleaming so I retain a grateful heart :}
Till we play again, St. Lucia :( |
I think things happen for a reason so better things will ensue. Maybe some friends will come this fall for the New Orleans excursion (and the broken mirror in the guest room will be gone and won't deflect their visit lol). Maybe next year I can get to see my daughter in Japan (who hasn't called yet but scheduled to fly out soon here) or I can do my 'holy land' tour. The mediteranean cruises that have Venice, Greece, and Egypt for ports of call but he still has 2 weeks remaining for this year and somehow I will make sure I deflect these messy pile ups from him enjoying his time off :}
Till then...it's the bank, reno's for safety (Jim doing trees right now so they won't flatten the lawn man who is a police officer :l), bone scan results, and looks like no booth for my leathers this Sept. at the Charleston festival :/ So I'm outta here to go video Jim downing trees :l
And OMG!!! I just found out the
Robert Plant tickets are free (8/11 10 pm)!! :D