
We were warned early to make the airport yesterday because security was to be increased. Her husband knew of Bin Laden. We just thought something else and of course he couldn't tell us but was concerned so much love and respect to him for loving my daughter :} My fault. She inadvertantly pilfers time like me and I guess it was getting medicine that detained us and had her last to board with them calling her name :l I watched till her plane flew away and hope she heals :)
I am just journaling time events of this week before it escapes me. With my mother's death, the tornandoes, Bin Laden, funeral, Paros dental, meeting my grandson, etc....my brain is full :/
Morning View |
Easter to 4/26...Blank until the power went out in the middle of the night. It was humid and hot so we rolled a roll away bed to the craft room to open the doors off the balcony to feel the breezes. Sunrise brought on memories of my mother in Arkansas. We made coffee with a blow torch and ate chips to keep from opening the refrigerator. No big storms really. Just a 'country' thing from local power. Ordered Shell's ticket on Monday....I think
My Sign from Parents :D |
4/27 to 28....Mild thunderstorms with tornado warnings. Direct TV didn't even search for signals as usual so this was of concern and the news was atrocious. 6 tornados descended around Birmingham, Ala. On Thursday I ordered flowers, rented vehicle 35 miles away, drove back home to drop off miata, went to Jackson to pick up Michelle and Dustin but don't get back home till 2:00 am. One of those days the alarm company installed the camera.
4/29....Awake at 6:30. No sleep. Leave at 7:30 to take Paros to vet for test and dental. P pooped EVERYWHERE during the 2 hour drive in his cage and on himself. Almost $700 for dental, then to breakfast at Cracker Barrel where we had to change for the funeral in their bathrooms :/ Met cousin to drive in...almost late... visitation...funeral. I had to listen with funeral staff in private away from unknowns in the family section that sounded like holy rollers. Blue juice topped it all off when a 4 year old neice was tilted over the casket by her blue haired cousin... sending mom off with just a little 'hummingbird nectar' as I would like to think Mother would call it :} Heart broke for Stepfather but the part that allowed me some peace with it all was seeing Vicki and Brenda...meeting Jerry's congregation and thier beautiful service :))) Pick up P...visit stepfather. Michelle is sick with strep and baby coming down with it :( Visited graveside.
Jerry's Love |
4/30...NOTHING.! Licked wounds. No one called for Shell except family in Cali. Sister did call for something but forgot :l Ate at restaurant. Vaporizers, chamomile teas, lemon, honey, etc. :l Shared our 'Video of the Week' (Ode To My Family), copied Shells pics and burning on DVD's.
5/1....Leave early for airport, stop at walmart....barely made the plane :l Watched pat down as it was too hard to rewrap on body harness. They called her name to board :/ Watched plane take off, returned silverado (not buying that model) and by the time we got home...she boarded in Chicago for San Diego. Safely home :) Whew :D
Bonding with D over french fries, chocolate ice cream, and whipped cream was awesome!
Shell scared of hissing whipped cream can in trash can....PRICELESS lol!!! :D
Well...and the signs & hummingbird nectar :l