It was a nice road trip into Georgia and a lot of hot meals with antibiotics knocked Jim's grungy cold out. The boys were happy little riders and wouldn't listen at all. I think the worse part of it was in passing the tornado paths in Ms. and Alabama. You could see where it left a big path and went across the road to the other side. It must have been wide and the arial shots and news said it left a winding path of 80 miles without letting up in 2 states. Soooo sad and devastating. It's like the earth is just dying.
Got Spot?!? |
Well...we will never stay at the Jameson Inn again. The pics of the room online when I made our reservations had a 4 post kingsize bed in a large room. Not only the bed was different...the room was TIGHT. Not to mention we had to slide furniture over to put Paros cage in the room. We couldn't sleep either. AC didn't cool well, carpets were funky, and people giggling down the halls and opening doors all night had me up 5 and 6 times :/ They also charged us more than they said over the phone :P Glad they gave us a king bed as I requested though. If we had a double...Paros would have sent us to the cage :l
We visited a harley shop and I had to check in on the boys before we hit a restaurant. Jim said it was like having kids and I just laughed and told him we couldn't get by with throwing children in a cage and leaving them behind for ANY amount of time lol!! :D
"Annabelle" |
The trip out to the breeders was lovely. She has an awesome place on 10 acres and is definitely our kind of people! Woods, country, animals, natural and down to earth :} I enjoyed the day listening to her and seeing all the animals (horses, boxer, poodle, afghan pups, a chinese crested not to mention she also has another few acres across the state line with Borzois and Macaws. I did feel a bit apprehensive when she reached into her blouse to show me her pet! I first thought it would be like one of the 1% biker ol' ladies who flashes a tit with a tatoo at ya! Nope. More yuppie like us and had a Sugar Glider hanging around! Soooooo cute!!! I wanted one along with a Macaw, another cage, property next door so I could hang out.... ~lol~ It was an awesome day :}
Baby Gaga :} |
Thanks to her...I now have a sweet baby girl ~gagaga~ :} I went in for the other more vivacious girl for Paros...a pet for my pet but left with a sweet natured female pet for me :D Truly 'Serendipity' And I walked away more knowledgeable thanks to her. I loved the separate grooming room/office area where she had a porcelain tub mounted in a professional type base with storage under it. Unlike the metal tubs in the clinics and grooming shops that 'ping' and move and are smaller ;)
And we are discussing spending a vacation or 2 on the road visiting all the antique and flea markets across the south and up into the Tenn smokies. Since Jim really can't take all his time off at once.... this will really work out for us this way and we can just rent a cabin in Gatlinburg with his fuzziness and pals :).
I'm a Rider! |