
I think this journaling has been real conducive in remembering links and favorite sites. I was making a Christmas wallpaper last night and thought of doing a custom one for my daughter but couldn't remember where I saw a guitar photo at. Then it hit me I put it on the blog! Haha...can't remember other stuff either, like to order a newspaper subscription here which is only $25 per year and I've already talked to them prior to moving in :/ Maybe that's why I got a free one the other day and what do you know but the frontpage has an article on Robert Plant's visit here last week for the event officially marking a path along the blues trail here in the Delta (article here). Although they kept his arrival under wraps...it looked like a beautiful fall day and I would have definitely attended if I had know. I grew up listening to Led Zepplin in the early 70's and then again later to Plant's "Principle of Moments" which I no longer own when I sold my albums in order to convert to CD's. This in turn makes me think of a collegue, Carol, who lives in New Orleans where her and her husband own a favorite resteraunt of mine; Port of Call and Snug Harbor. As virgos and vegetarians in college together for graphic arts management...she was lucky enough to attend his birthday bash in New Orleans that year (he is a virgo too ;). Ahhh how things come back around again and I may be slower than these slow towns but I do enjoy it here in the Delta and love the blues. And as always...."I'm in the Mood for a Melody" and "My Love is in League with the Freeway" (from the cut "Big Log" off of Plant's 'Principal of Moments').
Jim left for the airport and me...to explore more on a new filter, Dreamsuite and I am verrryyyy impressed. This is how a filter should be! The company suggested others I may be interested in and I finally got KPT to behave properly. I was delighted my daughter thought there was too much lime green in her graphics but never know what rolls around in her precious little head lol. She is very creative in a lot of areas and I try to get her to work with the graphics programs because she used to draw a lot. Of course she sings and plays string instruments but usually active too. Plan to use that KPT filter on a guitar image or font. Yes...they have fonts with guitar images but I have to go and read the terms :/ If the request a link back...I usually won't download because I have to much to remember as it is! Maybe
I should be singing the blues ;)
Off to the great outdoors with Paros and hope he doesn't see anymore deer. His howling and hounding sounds like he is in pain or something. I think he is the only one singing the blues because he can't run down those deer down on that trail!!
And, uhhh....I'm leaving this posted to remind me to buy the CD and newspaper subscription!!